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Where to Eat Hachinoko (Bees) and Other Weird 2014/8/24 04:31
One of the most exciting things to me about going to another country is experiencing the food, and I hear that Osaka is the place where people live to eat. So I'm looking for some "out there" sorts of food, and I'm especially interested in hachinoko (whether they're in rice or not doesn't particularly matter). Does anyone know of restaurants that serve a hachinoko dish?

In addition to that, any other "strange" recommendations and where to find them? I've heard there's frog sushi somewhere, and while I'd like to try fugu, that's a bit deadly to the budget. :)
by sabledragonrook  

Re: Where to Eat Hachinoko (Bees) and Other Weird 2014/8/24 22:43
Hooba sushi into hachinoko seems to have been sold in May to September.
5456-3 Kashimo,Nakatsugawa,Gifu Prefecture
kaneima syokuhin
8:30 to 19:30
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Where to Eat Hachinoko (Bees) and Other Weird 2014/8/24 23:37
such as tsukudani inago are also sold in souvenir, such as Nagano Prefecture hachinoko other.
In Kushihara of Gifu Prefecture, there is a (Kamameshi that hachinoko has entered) Hebo Kamameshi.
Kushihara onsen sasayuri-no-yu
3135-2 Kushihara Kine ,Ena-city, Gifu Prefecture
Hebo festival also seems to be held in November in Kushihara.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

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