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Want to change company in JP - Working visa? 2014/10/21 14:46
Hi everybody,

Im working for a marketing agency now in JP, but i have a plan to change to another company for some reasons.

My question is: After I quit current company, how long will I have to find another job before my working visa is expired?

Thank you for any help.
by Jenny Vox  

Re: Want to change company in JP - Working visa? 2014/10/21 15:01
It used to be until your current visa expired, but with the new system I hear that there's a grace period of about 6 months (or until your visa expires). Don't forget to update your resident status once you get a new job. Good luck with the job hunting!
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Want to change company in JP - Working visa? 2014/10/21 17:36
You need to visit immigration within 14 days of leaving employment to submit papers indicating your unemployed status. They can advise then on how long your particular case will allow (but as said, 6 month is a reasonable assumption). You must then visit immigration again within 14 days of starting new employment (in same category of previous). If you have a job to go into straight away, you only need make one submission to immigration and fill out a single form.

by Mr Shippy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Want to change company in JP - Working visa? 2014/10/21 17:54
See Q9 here:


If you are on a work-related status of residence and you quit your job, you will "fail to continue to engage in the primary activity corresponding to your status of residence". The delay is three months: if you are still not working after three months, the Immigration Bureau may start the procedure to revoke your status of residence. They won't necessarily do it (I don't know how systematically this is enforced) and even if they do, you will have opportunities to make your case for why your status shouldn't be revoked.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Want to change company in JP - Working visa? 2014/10/21 18:10
Sorry, I meant here:


Japanese and their 1990s-style web design...
by Firas rate this post as useful

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