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Taxes on foreign income 2015/2/8 21:34
I have been living in Japan for 5 years. I pay tax in Japan on my Japanese income. I have been paying tax in Australia on Australian income at the non-resident rate, but now I have been told I have to submit a tax declaration in Japan on the Australian income. Wouldn't that mean I would be taxed twice? Are there any english speaking tax specialists to help foreigners with their tax questions? Thanks.
by Aussiegirl (guest)  

Re: Taxes on foreign income 2015/2/8 22:55
After 5 years of living in Japan, you will be classified as a "permanent resident" in terms of Japanese income tax as explained here:

It means you will have to pay taxes on all income from inside and outside of Japan.

However, thanks to a tax treaty between Australia and Japan, you should be able to avoid doubel taxing. I recommend to consult a tax professional for advice. Or search the internet for "japan australia tax treaty" or similar. The local tax office should also be able to help (in case you speak Japanese).
by Uji rate this post as useful

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