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Best Pass/Ticket for my trip? 2015/3/19 19:49

I am going to go to Japan in April. Could you please suggest me the best pass or ticket for my below plan:

4-7 April: Tokyo
7-10 April: Kyoto
10-13 April: Tokyo.

So, should I get a JR Pass? I will only use train between Tokyo and Kyoto (2 ways).
Also maybe for Mount Koya and airport to hotel when I arrive to Tokyo. I want to use Shinkasen between Tokyo and Kyoto. I think JR Pass does not worth for my trip because it is in USD. Also I will buy Suica for metro in Tokyo and I heard that Kyoto is bus city.
What do you suggest? Also I m worried about that can I find available seat in the train because I cant book in advance here.

Thanks in advance
by Erincs  

Re: Best Pass/Ticket for my trip? 2015/3/20 17:23
If no change that plan no need JR-Pass(7d) buy regular train ticket and Suica/PASMO(IC).
If save money oneway by fastst Shinkansen Nozomi from Tokyo to Kyoto in day time
then return over night bus cheap and hotel instead.

If possible change plan buy JR-Pass(7d)
take shinkansen to Kyoto,Hiroshima and back to Tokyo via Kanazawa after kyoto.

No online seat reservation for Tokaido shinkansen from out of Japan.
But that date is not high season no worry especially weekday after morning rush no crawded.
All Nozomi are 16 cars non-reserved is 3 cars only each car have around 80-100 seats.
by CSW (guest) rate this post as useful

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