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Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/27 04:04
I just started college and my Japanese professor takes her students to Japan every year in May. She said it costs $2500 USD which will cover everything (food, hotel, etc.)

I have yet to ask her details though on when the money is due, how long we'll stay and where we'll go. The thing I'm really concerned about is going as a class. I'm hoping that as college students, we're given the freedom to explore without having to be with the professor. I'd ask about this but I don't want to come off as rude for wanting to be apart from the group. There are just things I really want to do and would like to spend quality time in but though it's Japan, I know it would bore some people.

I know from your first year in school till your last year the teacher is responsible for you and thus there's no leaving the group.

So, have any of you been to Japan as part of a trip with your college class?
by Drewio  

Re: Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/27 11:26
It mostly depends on your country, state, and college. But if you tell the prof something like you want to see or do something you heard about I'm sure she can work something out.

Usually after getting back to the hotel for the night you have some free time. Also as college kids, I'm pretty sure there will be group/team activities. If you inform your pals before hand that you will be away, then no problem.

Unless, you are intending to spend all the time by yourself, in which case please keep your money and travel by yourself some other time.

Lastly, do as for the intinerary. Either from the prof or previous years attendees.
by joshua hugh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/27 11:44
Ahh, thanks.

Eventually I want to go alone, but I think it'd be amazing to go with my Japanese professor first so she can give me pointers about living in Japan since, I hope to live there someday.

I imagine going alone being sort of intimidating, at least for me of course. I know more than enough Japanese to get around, but I don't know haha. I would just be pretty nervous. I wouldn't know what to do in terms of where to go first for example.

I'm super excited thinking about it though. I've dreamed of stepping foot in Japan for the longest time *.*
by Drewio rate this post as useful

Re: Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/27 22:30
"your quality time will bore some people?"Just what do you classify as quality time?
by couldabeen (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/27 22:31
As of now Japan is my favorite country. though that is as a tourist. If you live there, there are rules to conform too. Japanese is a very rule base and groupthink society. If you're from a free society like the usa you would probably take some adjusting.

For your trip, I recommend firstly to ask your prof about the plans to see if you have the chance for any solo time. Maybe you'll find friends interested in something similar too.

Also, use it as a experience to test whether your Japanese is good enough to order food and ask directions. If you stay at a hotel or eat at nearly anywhere you will get to do both. Test your Japanese with the train ticket counter or tourist info counter. They know English so in the worse case where your Japanese isn't sufficient you can switch to English and not embarrass yourself.

This guide exists for places to visit and Google maps will help you find your way from where you will be to where you want to be. (Ask your prof, once again, where you will be going)

If you like what you see and feel you can live there and not just visit there then further your plans. In the end, moving is big commitment seeing as you will much support and you will be experiencing their corporate and social culture; not just the culture that tourist are exposed too.
by Joshua hugh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/28 05:05
couldabeen: What I mean by quality time is spending more than an hour in a certain art store I've been wanting to go to. Like, looking through all their books and whatnot. I'd just like to really get an in-person look at Japan's tools and references for artists.

Joshua hugh: I think I'm okay on speaking Japanese, but hearing it on the other hand can be tricky. I'm in Japanese 1 right now but all we're doing is learning Hiragana, Katakana and some Kanji this semester. I'm only in it for the basics on developing an ear for Japanese but I might just move up a level because it's boring.
by Drewio rate this post as useful

Re: Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/28 09:39
you can't enjoy your time perfectly, if you come to the unknown country at first.
I hope you catch something from the first travel, more concrete reason to come for the second time.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Trip to Japan with Class? 2015/8/28 10:39
After mastering Katakana, Hiragana, and Furigana, all that is left is mastering Vocab. Either spoken or spoken and written vocab. (Kanji)

For that buy a dictionary or a self study book.
by joshua hugh (guest) rate this post as useful

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