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Seat sizes at Universal Studios Osaka Japan 2016/3/13 06:02
I am going to japan next year and my friend wants to go to univeral studios in osaka. I am afraid that i wont be able to fit into the seats on the rides, does anyone know roughly what width most of the seats are? i really dont want the embarassment of being told i cant go on the ride.
by Tim Jones (guest)  

Re: Seat sizes at Universal Studios Osaka Japan 2016/3/13 14:04
I don't know, but you can probably find this out from a Google search; even just looking for standard theme park seat sizes would help (USJ is not built for just the Japanese!).

If you fit in theme park seats back home, you're probably okay. But if you're worried and can't find the info to confirm or deny, maybe just skip it to be safe.
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seat sizes at Universal Studios Osaka Japan 2017/2/9 20:12
Hi Tim this is not an answer but did you go? How was it?
by Clare (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seat sizes at Universal Studios Osaka Japan 2017/2/10 21:36
I had been there. I see people of all types of bodies and no problem with the rides, even on 3D rides which I thought were all cramped but had enough space even for the legs.
by stikiting rate this post as useful

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