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Tea Ceremony in Tokyo, Kyoto, Uji or Osaka 2016/6/17 17:34
I'm going to Tokyo, Kyoto, Uji and Osaka. I'm wondering where's the best place participate in a tea ceremony. If you guys could suggest which city/town and which place to do them.

by Katbat  

Re: Tea Ceremony in Tokyo, Kyoto, Uji or Osaka 2016/6/17 20:13
Here is one option in Kyoto, it is near Gion area.

by Indra G rate this post as useful

Re: Tea Ceremony in Tokyo, Kyoto, Uji or Osaka 2016/6/17 21:59
Uji is said to be the home of matcha, but you can also do a variety of other activities in Uji, including Byodin Temple (which is on the back of the 10yen coin if you didn't know). It's quite a beautiful place.

by geoffsmith89 rate this post as useful

Re: Tea Ceremony in Tokyo, Kyoto, Uji or Osaka 2016/6/19 20:48
If you are into tea ceremony, Kyoto is the place to go and there are tree major styles there. Urasenkei, Omotesenkei, Mushaokoujisennkei.

If you just want to enjoy tea ceremony, you can visit any temples in Kyoto and stop by tea room there. In Tokyo, there are not many tea garden, but I know one good one in Kamakura Jomyoji temple. Also, there are many things to visit in Kamakura/Enoshima area(one hour from Tokyo).
by Shin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Tea Ceremony in Tokyo, Kyoto, Uji or Osaka 2016/6/23 12:54
We went to the same 4 cities you're going to. We went for tea in Ginza at a shopping mall but not a real tea ceremony. We went to the tea ceremony En in Kyoto, it was a bit pricey for what you get but it was nice. When we were walking around Uji, it saw a few tea ceremony places and as alot of the tea comes from Uji, I would think it might be better than Kyoto but uncertain. Definitely Kyoto or Uji would be better than Tokyo or Osaka.
by Pirjo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Tea Ceremony in Tokyo, Kyoto, Uji or Osaka 2016/6/23 14:38
We had a nice one with Nara Walks http://www.narawalk.com/index.html
by Lazy Pious (guest) rate this post as useful

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