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Between passmo or Suica pass card 2016/12/5 07:47
I will be staying around Arakawa area.which pass card which i need to purchase to get around in tokyo. I intend to go places like Shibuya,harajuku,ueno,roponggi, disneyland and gotemba. How much i need to top up the value for the trip.At the airport, where can i purchased the tickets. Wil there be discounts for students n senior citizen. Thank you.
by Petir  

Re: Between passmo or Suica pass card 2016/12/5 18:26
Pasmo and Suica work exactly the same. It does not matter which one you purchase. You can buy them from machines in stations, including at the airport stations.

I can't tell you how much to top up, because I don't know how often you will use it. Keep an eye on the balance and top up as needed.
by sq (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Between passmo or Suica pass card 2016/12/5 18:38
Why not just start with the minimum charge of 1000 yen? You can use websites like Hyperdia to estimate your travel fees.

But keep in mind that, for example, you can walk from Shibuya to Harajuku. Or you might decide to take a bus tour to Disneyland or Gotemba.

Meanwhile, you can also use or Pasmo or Suica to buy things (such as food or everyday items) at convenience stores among many other stores. So if you still have amount left in your card upon leaving Japan, you can buy your lunch or something.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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