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Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 12:14
Hi guys,

I will be travelling to Japan in a couple of weeks with the family. I have 2 kids, a 2 year old and a 3 month old. I have been to Japan many times and I am really looking forward to it but it is the first time with kids.

The 2 year old is the one I get a little nervous about as he does like to run off on his own. My fear is if we lose sight of him and him getting lost in amongst the crowd. With Japan having a massive population and my boy being half Japanese and looking Japanese I just keep thinking what if...

Has anyone had any experience travelling with a toddler and do you have any tips and tricks? I will have internet access so I was considering putting a tag of some sort on him with an email address just in case he is lost. The alternative was to get a bluetooth tracker.

Any suggestions?

by Kerriaki  

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 15:10
Threads of putting children into strollers:

The best answer will be putting your baby in a sling/carrier with you.
by stikiting rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 19:03
Take a photograph of your son before each outing. That way you'll not only have a pix to show of what outfit your child was wearing for that day, as well as what he looks like, but you'll have another photo to add to your album!
by menj (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 20:05
Thank Menj,

Great tip. I will do that for sure.

@stikiting thanks for the comment. The problem isn't with getting out and about but more about the what if scenario if he gets lost. Unfortunately he has also outgrown the carrier and so we will be taking a pram.

by Kerriaki rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 20:09
They also have those fun animal backpacks with a "tail leash."

Some people frown upon that though, not wanting to treat their child less than human, like a pet. But others think it is okay as long as their kid doesn't get lost. As for our kids, they begged us to buy it for them!
by menj (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 21:11
If you know your kid likes to run off, then you have to be extra vigilant with him. One parent should keep an eye on him at all times. We keep our toddler in his stroller when we move from one point of interest to the next. He only gets off when we arrive at the point of interest (e.g. a shrine, a store). My toddler doesn't run so much, but there was a freak moment when he almost stepped out onto traffic from the sidewalk. Back into the stroller he went.
by anon (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 21:20
What do you do when you take your 2 yr old out in cities where you live?

Wouldn't you just do the same thing in Japan?

(Wristbands with a phone number on them might also be useful)
by Winter Visitor rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 22:35
Get a carrier. They can hold 2yr olds easily. Stop regularly at child-friendly places (e.g. specific play areas, parks) to let him/her run around to burn off energy and stretch their legs, and one of you must follow and monitor at all times just as is expected in any country.
by Sal1980 rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/1 22:38
Sorry, I see you said he.

http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/carriers_for_18_to_36months Seriously, you'll thank yourself. How else will you get around with 2 kids and all the luggage?
by Sal1980 rate this post as useful

Re: Travelling with Toddler 2017/3/2 16:21
I agree with Sal1980. If you bring a pram to Japan, you'll hate yourself for doing so.

Either get a bub carrier for your 2yo. Or if he is too heavy for you to carry all the time. Let him walk and carry him when required.

If you are scared of him running away, hold his hand when you walk around.
by hakata14 rate this post as useful

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