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Buy JR Pass using UnionPay 2017/3/25 11:45

I'm currently working in China and I wonder if there's anyway I can buy JRPass using UnionPay. I don't wanna use my credit card bcs I don't currently have any in China and it's tedious to send money to ppl back home to pay for my bills. Anyone have info? or links? very much appreciated
by vera (guest)  

Re: Buy JR Pass using UnionPay 2017/3/25 13:40
Probably you need to ask the travel agency in China (the authorized agents)? China Union Pay is recognized as a local payment brand I believe.

by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Buy JR Pass using UnionPay 2017/3/25 23:06
H.I.S. has an online store if it's not convenient for you to visit the local offices.
The site is in Chinese though, but the layout is similar with the English site (eg Singapore / Malaysia).

by JLYJ rate this post as useful

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