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long distance bus from kagoshima to kumamoto 2017/4/23 01:09
hi all

I read in an earlier thread that one-ticket from kagoshima to kumamoto is Y3600 but this is a bundle discount for 4 tickets at Y11 000. Is that discount still valid whole year round or was that a promotion then?

Thank you!
by huangk  

Re: long distance bus from kagoshima to kumamoto 2017/4/23 10:31
I don't know very much of bundle tickets, nor whether they can be used separately for each person. But I found these pages (one in Japanese and the other in English).
This information is valid from 12/1/2015.

The information you want to know seems to be in the middle lines of the table, which are indicated in Japanese 4枚つづり回数券 (bundle of four tickets, 11,300 yen, 2,825 yen for each, valid for six months from the purchase day) and WEB4枚つづり回数券 (only on Internet reservation [may, credit card necessary, member registration necessary, valid for three months, 10,900 yen, 2,725 yen for each)

Reservation site (in English):

Hope it helps you...
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