
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

16 year old foreigner living alone in Japan 2024/1/2 03:03
I am interested in travelling abroad to go to an international school in Japan until I am 18, would it somehow be possible to live away from school?
I have reasonable financial support however I am not experienced in the language and my parents are not in the country

by user (guest)  

Re: 16 year old foreigner living alone in Japan 2024/1/2 09:38
There have been similar threads - please refer to the last post on this thread:

…for a list of several OTHER threads about people wishing to attend a high school in Japan and various issues surrounding that.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: 16 year old foreigner living alone in Japan 2024/1/2 09:52
OP is a minor (again). Who is going to be your guarantor? See the threads kindly linked by the pp.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: 16 year old foreigner living alone in Japan 2024/1/2 16:30
Yawn (we often get the same person asking this question in a slightly different way).

International teacher here. Can you live by yourself without parents? No.

Your only option is a boarding school. One I'm aware of is UWC Japan. Note that this school is expensive and in the middle of no-where. There might be one or two other schools that I'm unaware of.
by mfedley rate this post as useful

Re: 16 year old foreigner living alone in Japan 2024/1/3 17:19
I have read a thread with almost same question as yours.
Basically the answer is "No" or "Extremely difficult".

Graduate your high school first and then try to join a university.
by Stip (guest) rate this post as useful

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