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Hirayu Open air public bath 2007/10/28 01:31
I planing to visit Hirayu onsen as one day trip from Takayama on 11 Jan 2008.I would like to try open air onsen but I don't open air onsen will open on the time i will visit or not and if they open.Please suggest me where i can try good open air onsen without stay a night at Hirayu ? Thank you verymuch ^^
by rei  

Hirayu public onsen 2007/10/29 19:10
There is a big public bath called hirayunomori (, they have an english section but it doesn't have much info) looks like it's open from 10:00 to 21:00 & costs 500 yen (that's according to the Japanese site; the English site is not very clear about hours). It looks like they have rooms too, but you'd have to check on that. Hirayukan also has an option for bathing only, or bath & lunch...they have a website too, Many onsen ryokans and hotels offer their baths to the public during certain hours, you could possibly do some websearching on that. Try Onsen Express or
by Spendthrift rate this post as useful

arigatou ^^ 2007/10/30 17:39
Thank you for your help ! ^ - ^
by jeab rate this post as useful

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