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Kenji Symbol verification PLZ 2008/1/30 11:50
Hello, i have recently became a huge fan on kanji and wanted to ask ''a pro'' a question before i get my kenji tattoo.

The Kenji symbol Heiki


mean Unconcern; Calmness; Composure right?

Ive always bee na big fan of keepin my composure or cool will this represent it correctly? THank you for your time !!!!!!!!!!It means alot to me!
by Justin brull  

From a pro... 2008/1/30 12:25

Actually, it's "kanji" not "kenji", but yes, "•½‹C" means just that.
As I always say, please post a photo of your tattoo here once you have had it done.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

From another pro... :) 2008/1/30 19:35
"Heiki" means that, but it's more like "OK" used in the sense of someone asking you are you OK? and you answer "I'm OK." It does *not really* carry a sophisticated tone as "composure" or "calmness and serenity."

If you have that in tattoo, people might look at it and ask "hey, so you are OK with what???" I (personally) don't think it's a really cool word for tattoo...
by AK (Japanese) rate this post as useful

kanji 2008/1/30 22:33
—βΓ (reisei) is probably closer to the meaning you want, although it might be a bit too "cool", as it can also be translated as "dispassion".

•½‹C is more like "all right", as above, and doesn't really carry the meaning of calm or composed.
by Sira rate this post as useful

HAHA 2008/1/30 23:00
Watch out, it means "I'm fine" basically. My wife who is Japanese was laughing because she has seen people in Canada with a KANJI tattoo that said Kitchen. If a Japanese person sees "Heiki" tattoo, they might think "what the hell" (coming from my wife) it's a normal word, but not really a good one for a tattoo. The previous poster had a better idea for a tattoo it makes more sense when going with what you are looking for. Oh and by the way don't get a "KENJI" tattoo because that is the name of a dude in Japan LOL.
Go with Kanji - Reisei —βΓ ... it looks better also!
by MarineUSMC rate this post as useful

Responce 2008/1/31 05:37
thank you for your responds, so what exactly is the defination of —βΓ? Im going for always keepin my composure or cool, or being calm in hard situations. Is this the best way of representing this?
by Justin Brull rate this post as useful

Another candidate 2008/1/31 07:05
I think •½Γ or •½ΓS might be more of keeping composure - —βΓ _can_ sound a bit too cold...
by AK rate this post as useful

PLEASE 2008/2/4 12:20
Ive got a few different answers, please more INPUT!! What best Kanji Suites me!!!??!!!
by Justin rate this post as useful

•½Γ 2008/2/4 12:48
I think you should go with •½Γ as suggested by AK. That combines the meanings of both •½‹C@and —βΓ, without the coldness suggested by —βΓ.

As to whether it suits you or not, I don't know you so can't be sure ;-)

Do make sure the kanji are written correctly with all strokes there and in the right place- there are so many terrible kanji tattoos out there.
by Sira rate this post as useful

:) 2008/2/4 13:25
Ok so what does •½Γ mean actaully? Whats the name of the symbol?
---by suiting me i meant "always keepin my composure or cool, or being calm in hard situations" This is what i want the symbol to mean....Thank you
by Justin rate this post as useful

•½Γ 2008/2/4 13:58
I don't know what you mean by "the name of the symbol," but it is a word pronounced "heisei" and means serene, tranquil, even, level, etc. (The first kanji means "flat, even, calm" and the second "quiet," if taken apart) It's something you are supposed to maintain, like calm or composure. So I think it best suits the meaning you want, if you _must_.

Whether you should get it in a tattoo is another question (remember, it's for life, and you are dealing with a language not your own), and whether you can get it done in a cool-looking way is yet another question.
by AK (Japanese) rate this post as useful

Another question 2008/2/4 20:05
ok so i was given 3 different words people thought would fit, can someone please give me the meanings of these three for me quick? I greatly appreciate your guys help!!!

heiki •½‹C
reisei —βΓ
by Justin rate this post as useful

... 2008/2/4 22:28

I believe that all of us who have postsed so far together gave you pretty good answers to your question about the meaning of the three words... :)
by AK rate this post as useful

(-_-) 2008/2/5 02:55
so heiki means " i am calm, or cool"?

resei means - dispassion or too cool?
heisei means to be calm or composed?

im noly double checking b/c this will be with my my whole life i want it to be accurate and correct
by Justin rate this post as useful

Heiki- slightly different meaning 2008/2/5 08:18
Heiki is more like "all right" or "no problem", the other two you have correct.
by Sira rate this post as useful

... 2008/2/5 08:54
They do have some overlap in their meanings. According to one dictionary, just for comparison, the different words (when used as adjective) mean the following.

1.. callous 2.. cool 3.. impassible 4.. unamazed 5.. unappalled 6.. unwrung

1.. clinical 2.. cold 3.. collected 4.. composed 5.. cool 6.. cool-headed 7.. even 8.. even-tempered 9.. hardheaded 10.. impassive 11.. inexcitable 12.. level 13.. level-headed 14.. limpid 15.. non-emotional 16.. passionless 17.. philosophical 18.. phlegmatic 19.. recollected 20.. self-collected 21.. self-composed 22.. self-poised 23.. self-possessed 24.. sober 25.. sober-minded 26.. sobering 27.. stoic 28.. unmoved

1.. equable 2.. even 3.. even-minded 4.. placid 5.. reposeful 6.. still 7.. tranquil 8.. undisturbed 9.. unperturbed

But the nuances are as given by the different posters so far :) As Sira mentioned, "heiki" is more like "alright," and if you compare the "reisei" and "heisei," "reisei" is about a temporary state of mind, while "heisei" speaks of general attitude.
by AK rate this post as useful

um.. 2008/2/5 10:11
•½‹C@heiki= calmness,(kokoroga shizukade tairakanaikoto= heisei), nonchalance(showing indifference), ease, don't mind= kinishinai (karega nanto ittemo bokuha heiki da - I don't mind (care) at all what he says.)

—βΓ@Reisei= calmness (ochitsuite shizukanakoto), cool, keep calm (reisei na taido- calm attitude)
(monogoto wo reisei ni kangaeru- take things calmly)

•½Γ heisei= calm (odayaka de shizukanakoto.) shizuka, odayaka,otonashii, quiet

*Heiki is described as heisei in the terms of describing calmness of character in a person as in 'otonashii.' but has other ways of using it as above.

by cc rate this post as useful

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