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Japanese translation of my names meaning 2008/3/8 01:57
My name is Brian Alexander
I am not looking for the romaji , I am looking for a translation of the meanings.
Brian- noble
Alexander- defender of man
It would be cool to have a Japanese version of my name that means the same as the irish and greek origins.
by Brian Alexander  

sorry, no dice 2008/3/8 09:53
Sorry to say there are no Knaji or Japanese symbols for anything that has no Japanese origins. They have a different alphabet for anything foreign and they have no sound for the letters x, v or l; making Alexander a little hard.

This girl I am interested in gave me a Kanji name based on my attributes and the Japanese pronunciation of my name. Kurisu...they can't end on a consonant except n.
by Chris rate this post as useful

Translation help 2008/3/11 07:27
I want to know a Japanese name that means Noble Defender of Man
Perhaps a word that means Noble that could be used as a male first name and a word for Defender of Man that can be used as a surname. Thanks
by Brian Alexander rate this post as useful

... 2008/4/24 10:30
How about 高士 which can be read Takashi, Koushi, or Takao. It means "A man of noble character"

For "defender of man" how about something with the kanji 守 in it. It means "defend/protect" and by itself can be read Mori, Morisaki, etc. Combining it with the kanji for person gets守人 read Morihito or Morito, although I'm not sure if it conveys the same meaning that you're looking for.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

give up about surname 2008/4/24 11:58
I recommend 貴志 or 貴史.
貴 has more kindred meaning of noble.

I want you to know most of Japanese surnames derive from names of places.
Names of places don't have special significance, you know.
So it's not usual to let your name have significance like the meaning of defender of man.

Do you get me?
Let's say for example, Mr. Tanaka.
Tanaka (田中) is one of the famous Japanese surname.
Its meaning is "inside rice field".
Maybe their ancestor's house were surrounded by rice fields and they were farmer.
Something like this.
by lonitary rate this post as useful

... 2008/4/24 13:11
I want you to know most of Japanese surnames derive from names of places.
Names of places don't have special significance, you know.
So it's not usual to let your name have significance like the meaning of defender of man.

Not usual, however not unheard of.

You can choose anything you want that has special significance to you especially if you are just making up a name for yourself. For example, there are many people named Takashi Mori. They all have various kanji, however one set can have the meaning of your name, which may be significant to you regardless of how common or not it actually is in Japan. There are no rules in making a name.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

!! 2008/5/13 03:38
How about 防人貴男(sakimori takao)?

防人(sakimori) means a defender.
貴男(takao) means a noble man.

It's a very Japanese!

by symler rate this post as useful

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