Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Language 2008/4/5 17:08
A boyfriend is haranguing his girlfriend for shutting down emotionally during arguments and not telling the truth about how she feels.


My question: what is the function of the "sou" in the sentence? I've seen this "(x suru) tabi sou (y suru)" structure before, and the "sou" seems redundant. Does it mean something like "like that"/"like I was discussing before"?

Thanks in advance for any help.
by Synonymous  

... 2008/4/7 11:07
Yes :) "Sou shite" in this case means "(by) doing so," "acting in that way," or "like that."

"Every time you lie, you shut me out like that...."
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