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Gackt concert tickets? 2008/10/20 15:44
I am going to Japan in January and will see Peace and Smile concert but I also want to see Gackt's live in Tokyo (the 5th and 6th). I do have a friend in Japan (American)but she is clueless how to purchase the tickets on the conbini machines at Lawsons since it's in kanji. I tried telling to grab a Japanese friend but to no avail...not sure why she can't find one to bring with there a step by step on the machines what to push to get the right thing? I won't be under Dears since it's a not an exclusive Dears concert (it'll be about $70)...otherwise for a Dear is like $300 just for one night. I also do know that they go on sale in November.
by hikarihime007  

Same here... 2008/10/20 19:03
Hi, I don't know the answer but I want to see gackt's live tour too, but no one can help me buy that ticket... so please anyone if you know how to do it.. I 'll be very gratefull.
by frogprincess rate this post as useful

They can help you get concert ticekts 2008/10/30 00:08
Go to

I think your only option is to get someone to buy it for you. Check the link above.
they charge a commsion to buy tickets. In order to order it think you need to put a 1000yen(+2.5% paypal charge) desposit.

But you need to bear in mind the cost of shipping to the agent and also postage cost to your hotel.
by lovemiki rate this post as useful

GACKT concert tickets 2008/11/5 08:35
American residing in the Tohoku region. I can ask one of my students to explain it, and get back to you. I think you may be able to purchase them online, but kanji is a bit beyond me. What dates were people interested in?
by TheGoodShipTakeItPersonal rate this post as useful

same problem here! 2008/11/6 01:26
I'm searching for a ticket for the 2/2 concert, but I think it's impossible. ITM4U has already cleared that they didn't find any. has a few, but prices are QUITE high (and they're almost all far away seats)

By the way xD if someone knows a different way to find them...
by xEleonorax rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/6 09:32
There seem to be a lot on yahoo auctions of varying price:

You'll have to find a brokerage service that can bid and secure the tickets on your behalf. Do an internet search for a brokerage as there are a number of them out there.
by yllwmsrf rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/6 12:43
Hi, I manage to buy gackt's concert ticket for 26 dec 08 through this website... you can check with them. Hope this link useful for you.
by frogprincess rate this post as useful

Gackt tix 2009/1/9 02:36
Hey there. I am going to Japan in March, and want to go to Gackt's Yamaguchi concert. I'm in the US, but have a Japanese address tickets can be sent to. I don't think the tickets can be ordered online, but I can call and order by phone. Any suggestions/recommendations?
by candyshotgun rate this post as useful

$$ 2009/1/9 04:54
Unfortunately, i also do not reside in Japan nor knew anyone that could do it. So i purchased my ticket through this site:

The service is great. He replies to emails within hours. Only sucks of course is the service fee.

He bought my ticket to the Dec. 22nd Gackt show in Gunma. IT'S AN AMAZING TOUR! and left so many people in tears. I have no regrets :)

Last resort is also going to concerts early before it opens and buy tickets from scalpers that usually sell at base price (70 000yen).
by CC rate this post as useful

I agree with you 2009/1/9 18:49
I used that service too, They are great but they price really high....

Gackt's concert really Great, I have no regret paid that high price but I can not buy Gackt's tour merchandise that day... Anyone can help me buy? really appreciate it.

Oh I see one shop who sells ticket concert in Shibuya... small shop but they sells ticket in lower prices.. I see gackt's ticket concert for february ( i forget the date) just 8000 yen... the price different for each date. maybe depend on the seat. I dont know exactly where the shop. but maybe anyone who is interested in that shop can look around at shibuya.

by frogprincess rate this post as useful

. 2009/1/10 03:48
I found some ticket shops in Harajuku, but they were VERY expensive :(

frogprincess, it sounds like you had to pay a lot too sadly :P

I also didn't get to buy merchandise, but i'm going to ask on the livejournal community, Dears, for someone to help me out :) i recommend asking there as well!
by CC rate this post as useful

HI CC 2009/1/13 10:52
CC, Can you tell me if you find it? Because I'm really interested in Gackt's concert goods.

Thank you so much.
by frogprincess rate this post as useful

gackt ticket 2009/2/24 20:46
I'm going to see Miyazaki concert, the 8th of April.
We were going to go 4 friends but finally we are just 3 -_- I have one ticket more and I want to buy it but I don't know where to buy it :S
It's anyone interested or does someone know where can I sell the tickets?

thank you very much
by kurai-chan (guest) rate this post as useful

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