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Sorry to confuse you? 2009/2/18 13:48
Obviously with my Japanese not being perfect I can confuse people some times during conversation. I was looking at how to apologise for confusing someone and got the word for confusion. The thing that put me off with this word is that my dictionary also says that the word can mean disorder, chaos and mayhem. Which gives me the impression that that word is very strong.

I suppose there is a much better way to say something along the lines 'sorry to confuse you' but what is that?

Also what noun would be best to describe confusion as in not being able to understand something?
by magpie1862  

... 2009/2/18 15:16
"Wakari-nikui" would be an adjective meaning "difficult to understand, not easy to understand."

So I would say "Iitai koto ga wakari-nikukute, sumimasen." or "Wakari-nikukute, sumimasen" ("Sorry that what I want to say is difficult to understand," so "Sorry that I'm not getting through to you/sorry that I'm confusing you.")

"konran" or "konran saseru" (to make someone confused) is a big word, as if to intentionally confuse you, and softer words like "wakarinikui" suggested would be better :)
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