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about spouse visa 2009/8/26 12:29
I am married to a japanese male national sometime in 2006 and we have one baby girl.My husband promised to secure spouse visa for me , however, none was issued to me since then and I only came to know now that he is jailed in Japan. Can I still insist for the issuance of my spouse visa despite my husband's condition.
by jezzy888  

... 2009/8/26 18:45
Practically speaking - I am assuming you are outside Japan now - if you want to (again) apply for Spouse visa, you need to apply for Certificate of Eligibility, and you will need your husband's help in obtaining some documents only available in Japan, and a guarantor (which the spouse will be under normal ciumstances), that practically it would be difficult.

And from the way you sound (excuse me if I'm wrong), it sounds like you found out quite later that he was in jail, suggesting (at least to Immigration officials) that you have not been keeping in contact with each other, as a married couple normally would. So there is ground for Immigration to suspect that the marriage may not be "genuine."

I am not a lawyer at all, but your chances don't look good.
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