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Where to stay on Sado Island? English. 2010/3/22 04:50
The only hotel we've found on Sado is the Seaside Hotel, and their site is only in Japanese. Any suggestions?
by Harpstead  

... 2010/3/23 21:06
Here are a few other hotels on Sado:
by Uji rate this post as useful

English Page 2010/3/28 06:18
The Seaside is a concrete structure on the road running east out of Ryotsu. If you're planning on hanging around Ryotsu, it's an OK location. It has English on a web page at:

I've also stayed at the Green Village Patio House which is south of the Noh Miti-no-eki. The lady who runs it was very friendly.

If you stay at a minshuku or ryokan, the going price per person is about Y7000, but these are all over the island so you can pick your location and eat in, something not easy to do if you don't have your own car. There are car rentals right at the ferry terminal. If you have a couple of people to lower the per person costs, this is the only way to get around the island in a limited amount of time. I've enjoyed the Takimoto Ryokan on the southwest part of the island as it has a cliff location overlooking the Sea of Japan and a hot spring bath.
Japanese only: http://park5.wakwak.com/~minshuku/minshuku/takimoto/index.html

The ferry terminals in Niigata and Naoetsu have ryokan booking inside if you want to try finding a place before getting on the ferry.
by Anaguma (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank you, Friends! 2010/3/29 03:18
Got what I needed! Arigato!
by Harpstead rate this post as useful

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