
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Kakunodate cherry blossoms 2010/4/29 03:21
The current forecast for cherry blossoms in Kakunodate is opening: 29 April, full bloom: 3-9 May.

Assuming this prediction is correct, how will the cherry blossoms be on 12 May ?

Will most of the flowers have fallen off by then or is it still worth going there for a look ?
by jvv (guest)  

... 2010/4/29 09:46
The current forecast for cherry blossoms in Kakunodate is opening: 29 April, full bloom: 3-9 May.

Note that these dates refer to the Somei Yoshino cherry trees. The schedule of the weeping cherry trees in the samurai district are typically about 3-4 days ahead of the Somei Yoshino trees. The following website has up to date photos:

Assuming this prediction is correct, how will the cherry blossoms be on 12 May ?

They will probably be gone. Generally the further north you go, the shorther is the blooming season. Around May 12, southern Hokkaido will probably be the better hanami destination.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Kakunodate cherry blossoms 2010/4/29 23:25
Thanks for the information Uji.

I guess I'll give it a pass then. Unfortunately May 12th is the only day I would be able to visit Kakunodate and the more northern parts of Japan are definitely out of reach for this trip.

by jvv (guest) rate this post as useful

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