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Short time accommodation near Naha airport 2010/8/6 11:20
Does anyone know any cheap places to sleep a few hours near Naha airport?. Arriving in Naha airport at 3am so Im not looking for full on accomodation. just somewhere to sleep for a few hours like an internet cafe, capsule hotel, airport lounges? any ideas. Is the airport open 24 hrs if we just want to doze for a while in a waiting lounge?
by gilesdesign  

... 2010/8/7 00:01
There is a Toyoko Inn off the monorail about 12 minutes from the airport. A single room is 5250 yen. The website is in English.

by geogeek1 rate this post as useful

... 2010/8/7 00:22
There is a flight that gets into Naha at 2:50 AM and the first flight out is at 4:00 AM, so it would be a safe bet that the airport is open 24 hours.
by geogeek1 rate this post as useful

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