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Tokyo Metropolitan Police Salaries? 2010/9/20 13:08
What is the average salary of a Tokyo MPD policeman? Are Japanese policemen content with their salaries? Any discrimination when it comes to female officers? I assume they would get paid less...

Thank you.
by Riza Hawkeye  

. 2010/9/21 07:04
Only Japanese nationals can become police officers in Japan.
by sakuraspinkrain rate this post as useful

Tokyo police 2010/9/21 09:05
Of course Tokyo policemen complain about their salaries!
Is there ANYONE in the world that doesn't complain about their salaries??

Every time I deliver pay checks to my co-workers (nothing to do with cops in Tokyo..different job, different continent ) at least 3 of them look at all the deductions on their pay check and scream "they took that much again??!"

Never mind that, because we are unionized, we get lots of paid holidays (we start a 1 month after the first year at work then get more days from there on) and other benefits..
AND we make 2 or 3 times the wages of non-unionized workers in a similar job.....we still complain...
by Monkey see (guest) rate this post as useful

Thanks 2010/9/22 10:00
Thanks for your help!

And by the way, I'm not looking to be a police officer in Japan. This is just for research.
by Riza Hawkeye (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2010/9/22 12:26
Please note the following information is nearly 15 years old So you'll need to factor in 15 years of change.

But in around 1995-1996 data:

Income for Japanese police officers consists of three parts. The base pay consists of an hourly wage. Officers then receive an additional amount to supplement dependents, housing, commuting, assignments to supervisory positions, overtime, and working holidays. Typically, these allowances amount to 34.6% of their base pay. Finally, a police officer receives a bonus three times a year. These bonuses sum to approximately 40% of the officer's base pay. Combining all these factors together, a police officer in Japan makes approximately $27,000 dollars a year. In Tokyo, the amount is slightly higher at $29,000 dollars a year. Upon their retirement, Japanese police officers receive a pension which is equivalent to approximately 55% of their base pay.

Japanese police officers receive benefits much like those the U.S. provides for its military. 47% of all officers live in housing provided by the government for little or no cost. Officers receive free medical care and hospitalizations while their families receive these services at a reduced rate. Services such as restaurants, laundries, and barbers are also available at lower cost. By joining a police union, officers can receive additional benefits. This usually represents providing commodities at reduced cost or supplements to health services and pensions provided by the government. Some police unions have also built low cost hotels and vacation resorts specifically for police officers and their families.
by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

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