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Best place in Japan to visit? 2012/8/5 06:59
My names Reynold and I'm planning to go to Japan this upcoming winter with my friends. I was wondering where in Japan would be the best place to visit?
by reyray2k  

Re: Best place in Japan to visit? 2012/8/5 16:29
It depends on your personal interests:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Best place in Japan to visit? 2012/8/9 01:53
that is totally preference. Japan has amazing things in every region. I've visited 7-8 times by now and I am just starting to get familiar with Kansai which is not far from Tokyo. So you can imagine how much there is to see. If you're into winter sports then you'll experience the best snow on this planet. quote me on that.
by matic rate this post as useful

Re: Best place in Japan to visit? 2012/8/9 05:02
The Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara area) is about 500 km from the Kanto (Tokyo region) and is where the Japanese culture was made..

Tokyo has only been Japan capital since the late 1860s...not that long ago historically.
by Monkey see (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best place in Japan to visit? 2012/8/9 09:10
Winter in Japan? Do you like snow? Do you Ski? I do not, so helping you pick out a great winter sports location is out.

I would start with the Chichibu Festival, if you were going at the beginning of December. It is probably the biggest festival in the winter. Chichibu is about an hour train ride from Tokyo.

My preference is to be visiting without heavy clothing, so Okinawa, or Kyushu, which is the lowest of the main islands, would be my choices. You will find several nice seaport towns on Kyushu, and lots of volcanic scenery.
by ebaychucky311 rate this post as useful

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