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JET's FBI background check... 2012/10/25 05:27
Applying to JET requires an FBI background check. I work in law enforcement and had to have a background check and although I was hired, I found some parts very interesting. That I am curious JET will look at as well.

I have never been convicted of a crime, never even received a speeding ticket, nothing. However, a credit card was opened in my name when I was around 11 or 12 years old. Never needing a credit card until I was 18, I did not find out about it until then. I was told nothing could be done over the computer and when calling I only ever got voicemails and so I mailed info out to try and figure out how to find out who did it, how to pay it off, etc. Because I've been paying for my college education out of pocket though I have not been able to square off the whole credit ordeal. Law enforcement looks at bad credit because they say people with bad credit are more susceptible to brides, bad behavior, etc. However I still passed. I am just wondering what JET thinks about bad credit?

Another thing is evictions. When I was 20, I lived with my family in an apartment and although my father did not require me to pay rent (I still gave him so much a month, it's just that the landlord knew I was not the actual one responsible for rent), because of my age I still had to submit an application so my name was associated with the apartment. My father lost his job and thus we were evicted because he told them he could not pay the rent. The requested the last month of rent be paid, but because he had no job he could not pay it off until 2 months later. When he contacted the company they ignored his calls... so he never ended up making the appointment to see them. Most people would say he's lucky then that they didn't harass him to pay - but it still comes up as a bad eviction. Law enforcement asked me about it and after explaining it, it was ok.

What does JET look out for when it comes to the background check?

I am really only worried about the credit. I have been saving up to pay it off in full just to get the whole friggin' deal over and done with.
by gradstu. (guest)  

Re: JET's FBI background check... 2012/10/25 09:51
Applying to JET requires an FBI background check.

To be clear, JET only requires an FBI check after you have already been accepted into the program, not as part of your application. So results will not affect the selection process per se.

Practically speaking, the admissions panels probably could care less about your credit history, considering the majority of candidates are fresh college grads with little or no credit history to consider anyway.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: JET's FBI background check... 2012/10/25 15:28
I did some further reading and it seems you also need to submit an FBI report with your application if 1) you've been convicted of a crime, or 2) you request early departure. In either case, I don't think your particular situation will have an effect on your chances of being accepted into the program. More info here:

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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