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Sappporo Snow Festival in 2013 2012/10/25 07:12
I will be traveling to the Sapporo Snow festival in 2013 and I would like some help with our itinerary. We will be staying in Sapporo for only 3 days. and 2 nights. Is there something else that is a ''must see'' or ''only during the snow festival'' type of thing. Also, any suggestions on where to eat? I'd like to try where the locals eat rather than the touristy places. I would really appreciate any feedback that would make our stay in Sapporo more memorable. Thankyou!!
by mochi808 (guest)  

Re: Sappporo Snow Festival in 2013 2012/10/25 08:22
Nearby Otaru also has a nice festival:
by Uji rate this post as useful

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