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Best spot for momiji in kyoto during 3-7 dec 2012/11/25 22:54
I am going to kyoto on the 3-7december and then tokyo. Looking at at the autumn color forecast picture, am affraid that i might miss out on the peak time. Is there any specific place where the peak time is slightly later in kyoto and tokyo?
by Veronica.H (guest)  

Re: Best spot for momiji in kyoto during 3-7 dec 2012/11/26 08:07
Tokyo should be still quite good in places like Rikugien and maybe Koishikawa Korakuen. As for Kyoto, I think there will be a few spots with surviving colors, but I don't have a specific recommendation. Instead I advise to follow the upcoming koyo reports by and to consult with the tourist information desk and knowledgeable taxi drivers and hotel receptionists.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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