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Can I pay coins into ATM? 2013/2/4 23:03
hello ,
I have been having a problem with the ATM for DOT COM bank .
When I go to pay in money, I can insert the paper bills no problem, but there's no option to pay in coins. Just the ''close '' or ''exit'' options only. I have also tried the ATM of the main branch but I still couldn't pay in coins.
I know I can pay coins in over the counter, but it's the ATM service I require.
I can pay in coins easily at the post office bank.
Am I doing something wrong? or do some ATMs just not accept coins.
Thank you in advance !

by alex (guest)  

Re: Can I pay coins into ATM? 2013/2/5 10:34
Some ATMs don't accept coins. To see if it accepts coins, to the right of the cash acceptance slot there should be one with pictures of coins on it. It is always separate from the cash slot. If the ATM has the coin slot, there should be an option when you deposit money to deposit coins. If there isn't a coin slot, then the ATM cannot accept them.

Also, sometimes the ATMs have the slots but they still wont accept coins, for various reasons. If the ATM you're trying to use has the coin slot but still wont accept coins, you might try asking the bank directly to show you how to do it or if it is possible. They will have a more complete answer for you, or will help you.
by scarreddragon (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can I pay coins into ATM? 2013/2/5 22:32
Thanks .
I can confirm the ATMs have the coin slot but they don't offer the option of "coins" when paying in.

by alex (guest) rate this post as useful

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