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who can find me any job in japan 2014/7/23 00:28
i'm moving to living in japan so i'd like to find a job and i don't' know from where to start so if anyone could help i will consider it too much thanks
by Madaratheonner  

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/7/23 08:36
What are your qualifications?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/7/23 09:23
Same here:
Level of Japanese language?
by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/7/23 10:55
English teacher is out of the question, obviously...
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/5 23:35
i'm a music composer and Engineering in infrormatique actually i work as a freelancer
on the internet i gain between 300 $ and 500 $ mounthly and i can work any think else as a farmer or restaurent i speak very good frnech any suggestion ?
thanks for reply
by Madaratheonner rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/5 23:54
A private french teacher, if your Japanese is good enough and you can handle teaching ( because being a native speaker has nothing to do with being a good teacher ).
You can also work as a waiter in a french style restaurant.
If you look good and you don't mind it, you can work as a host ( thinking they are romantic, girls dig french boys in most countries ).
Small jobs like that.
But you need to know enough Japanese for all of the above.
As a farmer, I don't know, you would need some basic knowledge of farming at the very least. Also, farm work in Japan is no joke. It won't be an easy job.
How about construction work?

Unfortunately " music composer and Engineering in infrormatique(?) " is basically not much of anything ( not only in Japan ). There are too many people who have that qualification and most of them end up either working by themselves on the net with insignificant income or just jobless.

Side note: Your request of " find me a job and I will consider it " is pretty ridiculous to post on a foreigner public forum where no one knows you.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/5 23:59
For the waiter and host, it wouldn't be anything upscale, and you would need to have enough luck to be hired, so don't get too excited.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 00:11
Also, please forget about the teaching job if your accent is not parisian.

How about just continuing your current net job? For that, I don't think it matters where you live. France or Japan.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 00:15
Host/Hostess illegal even if you have a WHV.

Farming could be possibe if you have a WHV and enough Japanese skill.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 01:00
please forget about the teaching job if your accent is not parisian

I don't think that only Parisian can be a teacher of French.

by guest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 01:11
No, but they need to have/know "parisian accent" ( unless conversation is not included ). Otherwise it would be teaching crappy-french. Who would want to spend time, effort, and money to learn a language and end up speaking like a farmer?
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 01:28
Mistake...I correct;

None of us want to learn French from any native speaker who is a racist.
by ..... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 01:29
Final French dictation exam at my university was done by a French lady with who-knows-where accent and we were all looking at each other confused, wondering if it was alien language. At the same time the "teacher" was continuing with the test with a smile on her face as if thinking "You stupid kids. You are all gonna fail". We ended up complaining to the main office, and based on their evaluation of the situation had to redo the exam at a later date. Not fun at all.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 01:33
"racist" is not a word you can use here. I am not talking about two different race.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 02:02
Please, Minerva, you should stop trolling, you discriminate farmers al least.
The others, let's ignore such people.

Although it is depening on visa and Japanese skill, the following things could be possible, for example.

-Teaching French
-Waiter/waitress job in a restaurant
-Factory work
-Construction work
-Farming as an assistant
by Nicholas (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 02:56
Based on the comments on this thread, I can't be called a troll. Putting things as they are doesn't make me one.
Also, I have nothing against farmers. Some of my very good friends, who I consider to be among the best people, are farmers. My comment wasn't meant to discriminate them at all. It was more of an idiomatic expressions (figurative - not literal ).
In any case, being ignored by certain type of people not only does not hurt but is in fact beneficial.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 12:54
Lots of misinformation on this thread. Based on your qualifications you have a few options that revolve around what visa you would be in Japan on.

If you want to live long term in Japan then you will need a work visa. If you have a bachelors degree (or equivalent) then you can find work in an appropriate field and work there. Japanese will likely be a critical factor. If you don't have a BA then you'll need to find work relevant to your work experience as a composer or engineer. It sounds like IT is a possible field for you.

If you just want to live for a year then you could look into a WHV. The possible jobs are far more open, but depend on your language ability and skills. Working in a host club, as others have pointed out would be prohibited on a WHV.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/6 13:35
Many years ago anyone working for the French State TV and Radio had to speak a special type of French that was pleasant to the ear not really used by the average French person.

It is, or used to be, the same in many countries..for example BBC English and CBC English (they aren't the same)...then there is CBC French..

But for years now regional accents are allowed, as the French government recognize that there are several languages in France .
There is the French language AND the languages of France.
(France meaning Metropolitan France plus Overseas France)


For a French person, like me, Parisian is the language of people that have lived in Paris for generations. It is to French what Cockney is to UK English..

The most pleasant sounding French is spoken in the Touraine the Loire Valley..
by Red frog (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/7 08:03
thanks evrey one for reply and to sharinng much information to mee im really glad to all of you i wan to say a word to Minerva thakns for reply im ready to move to japan and live there for the rest of my life im sure that in japan always there's a place for those who have love to japan and " find me a job and I will consider it " you don't need to know someone if you want to help him and the meaning of " i will considerate " is to be your frined if you really you know the true meaning of friends what is it thanks for your help to share with me your opinion now you are my friend and i mean it
thanks again :)
for the job i want to know if the amount of 500$ a mounth can helping me to live there as a begining that's why life as a farmer it's great for me because i love farmer staf and it cost less then living in the town centre :) any way i love farmer and working in japanese farmer is like a dream for me
in other hand i have a bachelor degree and my accent is parisien perfectly so to yllwsmrf thanks for your helping me to throw this forum so where can i found a WHV in japan how can i register to it and for the visa my friends here tell me that i must looking for an invitation from a japanese friend to take a visa for a long term but from where can take a work visa could some can help me on it arigatau
and to Nicholas im ready to do anythink in japan wherever it cost if i don't have a choice i will do it and thanks for share
by Madaratheonner rate this post as useful

Re: who can find me any job in japan 2014/8/7 09:52
You are pretty eligible to be a teacher then. If your Japanese is good, check out local schools or language institutes and see if they need a French teacher.
I also found this site for you if you want to work as an independent/private teacher from anywhere in Japan:
You make a profile for free. Choose your preferred time, place, etc. Decide your own teaching level and fee. There is also no long term commitment for teachers and students.
If your Japanese is not good enough yet, you can choose a higher level of French so that your students would know enough French to make the communication possible.
Self-study books can give a guide for teaching. They are easily be found in bookstores.
You can choose this job as a part-time in your free days to earn extra cash if you want to have another full time job ( as a farmer, waiter, or something related to your bachelor degree ).

I don't dare to disagree with yllwsmrf on anything, but knowing the music industry quite well, I think finding a paying job as a composer with the current level of competition is almost impossible unless you have a mad talent and crazy good luck. Still, if he says it is possible in Japan, then it is.

Sorry that I can't help with visa questions.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

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