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Worried about money 2016/4/22 02:11
Me and my girlfriend will be in Japan for 7 Days, in between the 1st of May and the 8th. We'll stay in Kyoto 4 days, 2 in Osaka and Nara combined and last day will be near the airport somewhere (Kansai International). Now, we were worried that the money we have won't suffice for shopping, transportation and food. We have 1150 Euros and 1650 dollars so a total of 320.000 JYP aprox.

Housting and Plane tickets are already paid for, this money will be only for traveling, eating and shoping.

Also, is it a better idea to exchange the money I have into Yen back here in Romania or once I get to Japan? Usually Airport exchange rates (at least in my country) tend to rip people off giving a really bad exchange rate so I assume exchanging around 500 dolars back here so I can buy transportation passes once we get to Kansai, then look for a local bank in Kyoto and exchange the rest of the money there?

Thank you!
by George Lazar (guest)  

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 08:50
Do you realise that 320,000 is more than many Japanese make in a month?
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:00
George, do you have any concept of money? Wow...
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:03
I did not look into that but then again, In Romania the minimum wage is around 250-300 dollars a month (so that's what some Romanians live with for a month) but if a foreigner comes to Romania with 300 dollars he probably won't do much with 300 dollars for 7 days. So I assumed prices are rather high in Japan also right? Transportation alone should be around 500 dollars, then eating, visiting, entry fees for museums, onsens, shrines etc etc. I just wasn't sure how pricey things are over there so I assumed we should ask. Plus we would like to buy some souvenirs, maybe some tech stuff too if we can get it for less money then we would normally do in our contry: like a GoPro for example. Maybe even some Anime Figurines, Manga volumes so that's why I'm asking? As for my second question, does anyone knows an answer? Is the airport exchange rate rather bad? Should I come with some Yen from back home? Also, kinda stupid question but can I exchange Euros in Japan? Is that a common currency? Thank you once again!
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:07
Haha, sorry if I come out as rather stupid with this post... yes, as you can see, I live in a rather poor country (the usual Eastern European stuff), plus, I worked 4 months in the US, 12 hours a day to be able to get me and my girlfriend this trip to Japan so I definitely know the worth of money... Sorry once again if it sounded weird. I've heard others going with such amounts of money (people that I know) and they said it's rather pricey.
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:07
dont bring money into the country. use a credit card and get yen out of a 7-11 or post office. rates are cheaper and you can always top up your cash levels when you feel you need to.

320,000 yen is plenty. you probably need around 3,000 yen per person per day on average for food and travel. maybe a little more if you like to eat out a expensive places.
by hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:09
p.s. japan is not pricey. i'm still trying to figure out where this misconception first came from. it can be pricey if you are not smart with your planing. or you choose to stay at the hilton etc.
by hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:13
Thank you very much Hakata, 3k per day definitely sounds cheap enough! We don't intend eating at expensive places, maybe only once if we decide to have a romantic dinner kind of thingy but probably we'll have our agenda entirely ocupied with visiting so...

Can you tell me more about that first part? I do not own a Credit Card unfortunately, only a Debit Card but it's in my country's currency and if I'd exchange it all I would rather loose money as I spent quite a lot getting money exchanged from Lei (Romanian currency) to Euros (1150 euros). What is that 7/11 thing you told me about though. Common ATM machine in Japan or? And you're saying I'll be able to get better rates if I just get money out of the ATM this way rather than exchanging the money I have into Yen?
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:24
Omg, this thread really blew up, and for all the wrong reasons. Don't let Firas and ...(guest) make you feel bad about your budgeting. Their opinions are basically irrelevant, especially as the average traveler spends about 150,000 yen on their trip exclusive of transportation and accommodation. And those number are going up, so you're really right around the average. Of course you could travel for less, but that choice is up to you.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:31
I don't know if the exchange rate at this place is good or not, but just for your information. Please check it.

World currency shop
by Chococo304 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:37
Just for your reference, you can see current Japanese exchange rates at:

Using your ATM card is one of the easier and more convenient ways to go. You can go to any 7-11 or Japanese post office.

As for Japan being expensive, a lot depends on what country you are comparing it to. Some items can be quite reasonable, while others can be very high. But for expenses like hotels, it is all up to your taste and expectations. There are often cheaper alternatives available.
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:39
I'm getting 310k on this one compared to the previously 330k. But thank you for your help! As for your message yllwsmrf, appreciate the support, my friend. The accommodation has been paid for so basically we only need it for food, visiting, transportation and shopping. As most of you said we should be fine I guess. :) I just wanted to be sure of this before I leave. Now for the way of handling the money issue, what's my best option? And is it a bad thing if I bring money to the country? Other than the low (as I've read) risk of being robbed say... are there any other disadvantages to this payment and money handling method?
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:47
Alright, thank you for you input, Ken! Appreciate it.
Do you know exactly if I will be able to pull off a better then using 7/11s and Debit Cards with Romanian currency on it rather than bringing money with me and exchanging them and Exchange points? I mean, do you have some exact info on that? Aren't there going to be any fees (that's how it works in my country) for using a foreign debit card with foreign currency in a 7/11 Japan-based ATM when withdrawing or when making the automatic exchange from my currency to Yen? Hope I'm not beeing to bothersome, I'm just looking for some exact info if anyone knows. Cause as I said, I would lose a bit of money exchanging all these euros and dollars back into Romanian currency then deposing it all into my Romanian debit card.
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 09:49
made a type there.
Correct version: Do you know exactly if I will be able to pull off a better deal using 7/11s and Debit Cards with Romanian currency(...)
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 10:05
credit card only, not debit card.

japan 7-11 atms have better rates than all money exchangers i have come across.
by hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 10:26
Interesting. Unfortunately I'm not owning one of these and as I'm leaving in one week there's not really time for me to make one (and to be honest, it would be just troublesome to me as I don't know exactly how it works and how to use it, especially outside my country. I try to avoid credit cards, banks and all sort of bank related stuff. The debit card is free maintenance so I'm not paying anything to the bank to have it and I made it so I can do online shopping). Holy, that was one long parathesis...

One last question, can anyone tell me for sure that airport rates are worse than the ones in the city of Kyoto so I can know if I should get some Yen before coming to Japan so I can pay for my trsnaportation fees until I get to Kyoto?
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 10:56
I would never advise someone to use their credit card for an ATM, unless they had pre-loaded something in ahead of time.
Getting money out of your credit card is virtually legalized loan sharking, with interest accusing the second you get the cash. The ATM card gives you a good exchange rate at a very reasonable cost (unless you have your money in a rip off bank).
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 11:13
Oke, so I can use both a Credit Card and this ATM card you're talking about on these 7/11? In my country the ATMs only take Credit Cards (I believe) and Debit Cards (I know this for sure as I own one that I'm using). Therefore could you please explain to me what this alternative ATM Card you're telling me about is, Ken? Thank you.

As for my previous question on Airport Rate vs Kyoto or any other city rates, does anyone know something for sure? Should I come with few thousand yens exchanged from back here so I can pay my transportation and stuff until I get to Kyoto or the rates are similar both at the Airport and in Kyoto and I won't get ripped off by exchanging in Kansai Airport?
by George Lazar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 11:16
Please see the links I gave above. The JG has a page too:
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Worried about money 2016/4/22 15:42
p.s. japan is not pricey. i'm still trying to figure out where this misconception first came from.

You're right, Japan doesn't have to be expensive even without trying to penny pinch. The perception often comes from comparing Japan to travel other Asian countries, especially SE Asia where your money can go a really long way. Those may be nearby, but it is not an apples to apples comparison.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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