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Thanks 2006/4/15 01:20
Thanks Adam and surfbeat ^_^ Yeah I still am pretty ticked at the guys who were telling her off about our relationship. Actually they already have girlfriends! But you are right she is exremtly attractive and's no wonder she keeps getting so much negative attention from guys. But luckly she realizes these guys are idiots and she just ignores them and keeps on walking ^_^

P.S. Don't worry about the two morons without a life, the administrator will come in and kick there crap off.
by Dave rate this post as useful

fyi Dave 2006/4/15 03:32
Dave, the admin will come in and clean up the thread IF YOU REPORT THE ABUSE. In the past I have repeatedly reported the juvenile delinquent who has entered that same dumb comment over and over (about what to tell your children, etc.) Why don't you do it this time, if you haven't already?
by don't want retaliation rate this post as useful

To: 2006/4/15 04:06
To: Stranger, No we are both in the U.S. She just got here a few weeks ago and lives out west. I however am stuck in the eastern part of the U.S.

To: Fyi
Thanks for always getting rid of the same idiot that keeps doing that ^_^ I had no idea and it is much apprecited. Frankly I don't know were to go to report him to get that part kicked off. If you could direct me I wouldn't mind doing it. Sorry to cause you trouble.
by Dave rate this post as useful

... 2006/4/15 09:13
Firstly i 'd like to send some replies to: GT and gbs for Dave

Get out from this way, scum.

If he's doing what you say he does it's much better than having sex with b****** as YOU usually do.

Damn, to these pathetic people.


Dave is not the weakling but you are so get out of my way, scum.

to Dave:

The same thoughts have these guys as those of the previous posts.

Althought they have girlfriends they see your girl and act. They don't respect your relationship but only look at theirselves.

Dave, now my theory i was talking about in previous topics and you read is confirmed to you.

In cases like that is being seen much more.

But i don't want to prove nothing.

You said she's also in Amerika but in another place.

That means it's easier to meet her.

That also means it's easier to meet these guys.

If it was me i could no way resist to what they say and get more angry.

So in my opinion do some enfort to go to her and at the same time anihilate this scum.

Don't let this scum make your girl's thoughts change.
by I Love Sakura rate this post as useful

reporting 2006/4/15 09:28
Frankly I don't know were to go to report him to get that part kicked off. If you could direct me I wouldn't mind doing it. Sorry to cause you trouble.

No trouble. There may be an easier way to do it, but the way I stumbled on (because I was determined to report the scumbag) was: go to Member Area (it's in smallish print up top, second row) and go to FAQ and near the bottom of that is "how to report abuse."

It appears that obscenity and personal attacks are strongly discouraged. Some people (that back in the day we referred to as "smart alecks") don't seem to realize that they are guests on this forum (not owners of it simply because they know how to type). I generally give the thread name and the section it's in and the number of the post and why it's offensive. As I say, I don't know if all that is really necessary but it can't hurt I would say.
by watagei rate this post as useful

Now for something completely different 2006/4/15 09:30
It's been really pleasant to see how things are working out for the three of you, Dave, surfbeat, and Umi. Keep us informed.
by watagei rate this post as useful

Hey Dave 2006/4/16 09:19
You know, these lower life forms that like to try and shake us up with their brainless comments are just looking for a cheap thrill, they post a cruel comment and when they see it gets a reaction, they wallow in what they think is victory...
It's best to no react to these scum bags, ust ignore them, that way they have failed.
by Surfbeat rate this post as useful

Dave and watagei 2006/4/16 09:23
Umi is married now, I am happy for her, I hope she doesn't forget us!

watagei, thanks for nice comment
by Surfbeat rate this post as useful

Yeah 2006/4/16 11:49
Yeah I am just ignoring the moronic comments that some people like to put here.

Yeah I am glad to know that Umi's finally married ^_^ I'm sure shes happy and once she gets a free moment I hope to hear about it just like you surfbeat ^_^ It'll be a good pick me up.

But how you are holding up surfbeat? When I came back I was a wreck! You seem to be holding up pretty well ^_^

Guys are still bothering my girl pretty bad..If I had more cash I would definitly be heading out there now just to take care of things. But since I don't I just have to wait..wich is also good since her vacation isn't for a while.

by Dave rate this post as useful

Hi Dave 2006/4/16 12:19
Actually, I am holding pretty well, but what really helps is the eMails and the daily talks on the phone with her.
Also, I took a lot of photos and videos of her so when I am not at work, I'm home editing the videos, this keeps my mind busy, so at the moment I'm O.K.
She's hanging in there OK too, she has thrown herself into her job to keep from missing me too much she says, and she's still very bubbly on the phone. But I think as time passes, we'll miss each other more and more.
Another thing that helps is knowing we will be together again this summer.

Yes, of course the guys are going to continue bugging your girl, she very desirable and they are hopeful, but I know how you feel, if I found out that guys were hitting on my girl, it would annoy the heck out of me also, but at the same time, I know my girl loves me very much so I would feel too threatened.
by Surfbeat rate this post as useful

Almost on Cloud 9! 2006/4/17 15:07
I am glad to hear your holding up pretty well surfbeat ^_^ Yeah the communication definitly helps a lot. Photo and film editing definitly helped keep me busy as well. I'm glad you have a job to help occupie most of your day too (I still can't find one!) so I'm glad your both doing pretty well, and it's great that the two of you will be able to see each other again so soon this summer.

Ahh..I would have loved to have visited her more in Japan like you two have been doing. Especilly it would have been great with her parents consent if I could have gotten it haha.

Yeah I know guys are going to bother her..she's extremly cute! But you are right, I'm not worried about losing her to any of these idiots ^_^ I know she won't drop me unless the guys someone who she knows really well, it sucks but I'm not very handsome so I've got that against me. But by others I have been told I am charming, understanding,sweet and have a voice that girls like to hear. So i've got a lot going that she likes a lot. So long as it's just these morons coming up to her I don't have to worry about her leaving. It still ticks me off that they won't cut it out. I can tell it really bothers her. I was worried she would like all the attention. But instead she hates the way guys look at her like that, "Your the only guy I want to look at me in that way" Those are her words.

I should be able to meet her in either April or May!^_^ I don't know if she will be having a vacation or if we are just going to forget about waiting for a vacation and just spend every afternoon together and all weekend. I don't care..I just really need to see her again..^_^

by Dave rate this post as useful

Me again 2006/4/17 16:29
"I'm not very handsome so I've got that against me."
No you don't, men are the visual ones, women are more feeling. We are affected by what we see and they more by what they feel.

"But by others I have been told I am charming, understanding,sweet and have a voice that girls like to hear"
There you go, you have that going for you!

After being away from my girl for several days and things going good, today I got hit with an unexpectation.
Have you ever talked to someone on the phone and you can tell by their responses/or lack of, that they are not paying attention? Well that happened today, I called my girl and she came across that she was preoccupied with something else and wasn't giving me her full attention, you know, you say something and she says: "ah, yeah" then she realizes that you stopped talking and she goes.."er, what? What??"
The whole 5 minute conversation went like that and I finally said, "You're busy doing something else, aren't you?" She said: "Hmmm? What?", I said "Never mind, I'll talk to you later when you have time for me, bye!"
Boy did I feel unimportant.
Funny, when things like that happen you start to imagine all kinds of things. I had to fight those kinds of thought off.
Anyway, I hope you can see your girl soon.
by Surfbeat rate this post as useful

You guys are lucky 2006/4/17 17:50
I wish someone could kick my butt to Japan so I can meet a girl or two. Being 13 years old sucks.
by Stealthed rate this post as useful

Stealthed-- 2006/4/18 00:04
Fortunately, yours is a temporary condition. It'll be over before you know it, and you'll be 14, and then 15, and then 83.
by watagei rate this post as useful

Rough 2006/4/18 02:49
Yeah I do have a few things going for me that I know are attractive about myself. I wish I could have the six packs you see on the west coast beachs. But heck I've lost 50 pounds so I know I look better then I did haha.

But I know exactly what you are talking about surfbeat! My girl does that to me all the time. We would be talking on the phone. After I say something that would require her to respond or react I hear nothing. Finally I say "Hello?" She says "Hello?" back to me. I ask were she was and what she thought. She then apologizes and says she was busy watching TV. I say it's alright no big deal. So we continue talking and once again she gets distracted right when I'm talking to her.

I feel exactly how you felt. Like I am not very important and she would much rather be watching this interesting show. So I do the same thing you did. I say "Well I guess your busy I'll talk to you later" and she gets really worried and ask why I want to go..I'm sitting here going well "Duh" you don't want to talk with me it's like I'm talking to myself.

So I am glad somebody else has had that happen were there girl just dosn't seem to have the time of day. Even though your time is limited and costing a lot on the phone.

I hope that your conversation goes better tommorow and she can enjoy talking with you. I still can't get my girl to be herself yet. I think she is still getting use to being there. Even though in every other respect she is comfortable living in the new house.

by Dave rate this post as useful

watagei 2006/4/18 03:09
You got a way to accelerate time? :P
by Stealthed rate this post as useful

... 2006/4/18 06:28
Noo..watagei is just saying you need to calm down. Your only 13 it'll work out once you get a few more years under your belt.
by Dave rate this post as useful

I can't 2006/4/18 07:01
My presence is required in Japan! Adopt me!
by Stealthed rate this post as useful

There's an old saying, stealthed.... 2006/4/18 08:34
"Be careful what you wish for."

Applies to both adoption query and question about chronoacceleration. :)
by watagei rate this post as useful

Hmm 2006/4/18 10:08
Moving along..

Probably most people here would agree with the statement that I am "Too sensitive" to some degree. Personally I would say yeah maybe a little bit.

But when my girlfriend says I am too thats pretty rough. I thought girls liked a guy who was sensitive. Not all the time but sometimes. I thought they liked that.

I think most guys agree that being told there too sensitive is a pretty bad blow, when your hearing it from your girl.

I guess I'll switch gears.
by Dave rate this post as useful

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