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author and arist are differnt ppl 2010/8/12 13:26
soooo i knnow that in some mangas he person who writes the story and the person who draws are different ppl. I was wondering for that works cuz me and my friend want to make a manga in which i`ll be writeing and createing the story line and she`ll be drawing the chacters(?) so yeah can someone maybe give insite?
by Lessslielove (guest) rate this post as useful

haha wow! 2010/8/12 22:18
that's what my friend and I are doing- I'm the author and she's the artist! how funny xD

the people who created Death Note and Bakuman did it that way. The author: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsugumi_Ohba
The artist:

Good luck to you guys!
by Kira (guest) rate this post as useful

Big tip for young readers. 2010/9/21 02:36
I've noticed several of you stated you were around 12-13 years old. Seeing this, and how a few of you said you had just started in about a year, more or less, made me think about what most people that age watch and read. Obvious answers are Naruto, Death Note, Bleach, FMA, and various other anime/manga released in the U.S. and other countries. I come from the U.S., so I know what most of the stereotypical anime/manga fans are like here. My advice would be to extend your range of knowledge in the field of Manga. The ones I listed are by all means NOT the only ones that exist. If you can't afford to buy Manga at a local bookstore, find a website that will post fansubs of various manga.

It is also a pretty good idea to buy yourself a sketchbook, instead of just using lined paper. Sketchbooks mostly contain blank white pages, and the use of lined paper for finished works is looked down upon by nearly every artist in existence, unless it plays a part in the actual look of the picture. Another tip is one that applies to basic english altogether. Throughout the internet, you find nothing but spelling errors. It is acceptable when the author does not natively speak english, but if you have lived in the U.S., or another english-speaking country for your entire life, you have no excuse. The backspace button was created for a purpose. If you cannot learn to spell correctly in simple messages or everyday life, then you have no place writing a piece of literature of any kind. I apologize if I offended you, and I know I may have mispelled somewhere in here, but I am short on time. But take these into consideration if you are to create your own Manga.
by Rijekuto (guest) rate this post as useful

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