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... 2011/3/23 20:26
radiation of caesium and plutonium (radioactive iodine will be composed till then)

Radiation levels in Aomori, Akita and Yamagata Prefectures are at normal levels:

the railway connection from Tokyo to Aomori goes via Fukushima and probably is broken by earthquake; uncertain if that will be repaired within the next 4 months

There has been made no announcement about the re-opening of the Tohoku Shinkansen, but I think it will fully reopen within four months. Even if it does not, note that the railway line along the western coast is open even now. It provides convenient access to the Dewa Sanzan region and Akita and on to Aomori.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Don't stop me now! 2011/3/23 20:54
I still plan to go.
Flying: April 4th
First five nights in Tokyo. The rest in Hiroshima/Kyoto.

May fly into Osaka, do the Kyoto bit and then do Tokyo last around the 18th.

UK Foreign and Commonwealth website says not to go to Tokyo but I can't say I'm that worried. It seems the biggest problems for Tokyo are electricity, transport and some shops closing early.

I admire how the government and people of Japan have dealt with this efficiently and calmly.
by Scarophion rate this post as useful

. 2011/3/23 22:34
Thanks for your answer, Uji.
Very useful link, too.
by Tokaido 2007 rate this post as useful

Cancelled 2011/3/24 05:14
Was scheduled to arrive NRT on April 7 and leave KIX on April 16.

We held out as long as we could to monitor the situation in Fukushima. Things were looking better until yesterday's announcement about contamination in the tap water in Tokyo. If we hadn't been planning to bring our toddler, we might still be going but it is impossible to avoid tap water as a tourist - tap water is used in making everything in restaurants, for cleaning every surface, for bathing, etc.

We did not want to make a possibly once-in-a-lifetime trip to Japan and have to miss the Kanto region entirely so we have cancelled for now. Perhaps in a few years we will try again.
by scientician (guest) rate this post as useful

Japan is still a GO for me 2011/3/24 08:13
I've also been debating if I should cancel my trip from 3/29 - 4/11 but after all thats happened, I believe that it is safe and I actually think tourism will help Japan's economy right now. A lot of stores are struggling (and will continue to do so) due to the power shortage and they need people to still come and buy stuff! If everyone continues to stay home then Japan will really be in trouble in the long run. Japanese people are very strong and will continue on with their we should too. All my relatives and friends in Japan say that yes, it is a little darker at night because of the power shortage and stores are closing early but there are still things to do and see. I planned this trip based on the cherry blossoms (which I have never been fortunate to see even though I've been to Japan many times in other seasons) so that is why I am still going.

I know that everyone has their own reasons on going/cancelling but in my opinion, I think people should still visit Japan right now.
by yurichan (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank-you 2011/3/24 15:43
We're still coming on the 29th. Flying in to Tokyo and staying there for 5 days before moving west. We have not changed our plans at all.

At lot of information that we based our decision on was found through this site, both from personal reports of people in Tokyo and the excellent links that people have provided.

Thank-you all so much for helping us make an extremely difficult decision.

by Mandy (guest) rate this post as useful

:( 2011/3/24 21:58
My wife and me decided to cancel our trip to Tokyo/Kyoto that was meant to be from 27th March to 6th April.

We've been planning it for three years and the cancellation is a huge dissapointment for both of us. But to see Japan in less than it's full glory is not what we want. Radiation concern also had some influence on the decision.

We are still hopeful to visit Japan someday.
by joora (guest) rate this post as useful

undecided 2011/3/25 02:33
spread of radiation is getting me worried (now found in 6 prefectures) though experts say it will decrease in two weeks time.
by lastmockingbird rate this post as useful

cancelled 2011/3/25 11:18
i didnt think we would cancel and we were just waiting it out for our flightcompany to start going to tokyo again (they redirect to osaka, but we didnt wanna redo our hotels and the whole trip)
but they just kept postponing, and last date is 28th mars, but then by then they can still postpone flying to tokyo

no insurence due to my country saying not safe to travel to all of japan...

i didnt particulary fear anything special about going (maybe lack of toilet paper etc in tokyo:P)
it was more that i wanted the full experience of what we planned since this was our first and maybe only japan trip

that and the fact i been sick for weeks now made us pretty much decide on cancelling and go next year instead if we can

but what really made me decide on the spot was that the travel place i bought the tickets from actually called me up asking if i would still go???
i guess not i said and got free refund right away, then i cancelled all hotels with free refund too (did not have any cancel protection)
by kitty (guest) rate this post as useful

hardest decision I ever made... 2011/3/27 22:34
I have been monitoring the situation in Japan and gathering advise here in this forum. I was pretty much convinced that the situation in Tokyo isn't that bad, looking from blogs etc life is pretty much normal and usual.

However, I couldn't convince my friend who are suppose to go there together, my colleagues and also my parents (who at the last minute admitted that they are actually worried realizing that I haven't said a word regarding the Trip to Japan after a few weeks of the radiation leak etc..). And last 2 days...I have to make the hardest decision of my life...I canceled the trip..hardest is canceling the accommodation as it was not easy finding a good and cheap place to stay...

It is heartbreaking to read the first cherry blossom report in Tokyo and I could see from the pictures that Tokyoite are doing fine. I was suppose to fly to Tokyo-Kyoto next week when the cherry blossom are at full bloom...

I take this circumstances positively and believe that everything happen for a reason. I will take this opportunity to improve my Japanese and come prepared this coming November...if my boss permit my holiday..again...

Japan people are strong and looking at how fast they bounce back to life inspired me.
by purplela rate this post as useful

Still going 2011/3/27 22:45
I just wanna say that I'm going in one day from now! I'm still very excited because I really wanted to see Japan again and it's nice because I have a pal to do stuff with.
Honestly I think I am seeing Japan in all its glory, it's strong honest people and the deep kindness calls from every corner.

I have part of my previous stay on there and hopefully i can put some of my current stay on there too. :)
by Momel rate this post as useful

We're still going too! 2011/3/28 00:04
Finally, we have made up our mind today! We're going too this coming 1st April!

@Momel, have a safe trip and have fun!

@Uji and the rest of the forumers, thank you so much for the great inputs.

I'll try to update the report whenever I can.

Can't wait to see sakura!

by akihoshi20 rate this post as useful

forgot 2011/3/28 00:06
Btw, here's my blog:

No trolls please.
by akihoshi20 rate this post as useful

STILL GOING!!! 2011/3/29 18:50
we got an update from the tour guides today, our itinerary has changed, but we are still traveling to Japan!!!... we just arn't going to tokyo, but spending more time in Kyoto :)

Very happy :) :) :)
by deadly nik (guest) rate this post as useful

so confused.. 2011/3/29 19:29
i have a trip booked in may 5th..
but it doesn't seem to be getting any better, we only keep getting bad info about radiation and stuff.. and im freaking out a bit now.. it's been my dream to go to japan for years and im finaly going after a year of saving. and payments allready been done, and seem to be unrefundable.. now i don't know what to do. i don't want to go and get cancer.. what would you do in my stead?
by SaraBjork rate this post as useful

£2.300 2011/3/29 20:37
iNTREPID have confirmed there is radiation in the food and water but will not cancel the planned trip on 21st May. They say there will be no refund but a change of destination may be offered with a transfer charge of £50.00. I am not sure what to do? Its a lot of money and I cant understand why the tour operator cant cancel on the grounds of the trip is not safe or at least give you the option to cancel and have a refund. I feel that I am being made to go and very worried the dangers there. Also very very sad for the people too. Does anyone have any info or advise on holiday cnacellations like this, please?
by upset traveller rate this post as useful

Intrepid will not refund or cancel 2011/3/29 20:48
Intrepid have just told us they cannot confirm there is not radiation in the food and water on this trip. They will not refund our money for the trip £2.300, in May and the choice is to transfer to another destination and pay another £50.00 transfer fee. I am worried about the radiation and very upset about the country, and sad for the people there.
Does anyone have any info on cancellations or know who to contact for a regulating body on holiday protocols. This doesnt make sense, being made to go somewhere, or loose your money when its this bad. be grateful for any information.
by upset traveller rate this post as useful

Regarding my own trip 2011/3/29 21:00
I booked through expedia and they confirmed that I can cancel my hotel for a free refund 24 hours before check in. As for my flight, I am flying with continental and they have just extended their travel waiver through till April 30th so now I can get full refund on flight as well. Last week it was only until April 15th, if I would have cancel then , I would have had to pay 500 dollars, so good thing I waited. If things don't get better closer to your travel date, your airline will probably have their own waiver, I'm sure.
by Stef (guest) rate this post as useful

hardest decision 2011/3/30 00:35
It was with mixed feeling that I received the cancellation confirmation for my air ticket to Japan. Glad that there's no cancellation fees, sad that finally it is confirmed "I will not be going to Japan." Period.
This pilgrimage I undertake every year to worship the blooming of sakura will not happen, not this year.
This disaster has hit me to the core the meaning of "hakanasa",the fragility and impermanence of being.
I want to live like sakura.
Like the sakura, although their beauty is only for a short while, but during that 'short while', they display their vitality to the fullest.
by bakatori rate this post as useful

many people from coutry cancelled 2011/3/30 00:59
including those who booked organized tours,but also those who intended to go by themself - cancelled their trips.

The goverment issued a warning and asked people not to go if they don't have to visit Japan (etc. buisness).

my friends in Tokyo and Ibarki are allright, but i'm not sure if they are aware to the situation from the eyes of the world and not only from the information the recieve from the Japanese authoritize.

hope for the best and to visit Japan for the 3rd time.
by Doron rate this post as useful

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