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Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2013/5/29 11:48
Hello, Barbara-san

You are welcome.
I am glad you remembered old Yokohama,
yes, cherry blossoms are around Avenue D.
US Navy families visited our apartment every week. They were kind and always gave me the toys. I was very pleasure. These links' Japanese are spoken about the recollections of navy families and houses of those days.

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kaoru-san's link to Honmoku program 2013/5/29 12:24
Thank you, Kaoru-san, for providing the above link to a TV program about Honmoku and Area One & Two. Two Sundays ago, I visited my old neighborhood from the Sankeien stop to the gardens. Talked about old times with my former neighbors and classmates. I had no idea that Rikido-zan, the famous pro-wrestler worked right in our neighborhood. We used to watch his matches nearby at a noodle shop in front of the tram station. Was it called Chabuya? Anyway I noticed Tamaya, another restaurant is still there. This TV program is the most thorough one about postwar Honmoku that I have seen. Great stuff, the Golden Cups, Italian Garden and all that. I am going to watch it again.
by honmokujin rate this post as useful

Sannotani neighborhood 2013/5/30 22:28
There was a book store about a quarter mile from our house on Ave. D in Sannotani. Every few days, an amazing event would take place at this store and it became a closely guarded secret amongst several of us Gaijin kids.
We called it "The Ten Yen Store."
As if by magic, old comic books would appear in stacks inside the store. No one knew where they came from but the comics were in perfect condition. The store owner looked at the "10 cents" printed on the cover and sold each for 10 yen.
I had a foot locker full of these valuable finds but as we made plans to ship back stateside in '61, my mom tossed them out to make room for something more valuable. They would be worth a small fortune today...
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2013/5/31 23:33
Thank you, Kaoru san, for the terrific video links. I have again shared them with my friends from Yo-Hi, which is what we use to call Nile C. Kinnick. Yo-Hi was an abbreviation for Yokohama High School.
Thank you also, Dave san, for your Fuji memories. I remember seeing many climbers sliding down the mountain. And, even a few tumbling! What a bummer that your Fuji pole was stolen! Many of those overseas moves were unpredictable as far as what you could expect to find at the end of the line! So sad! We lost some big ticket items on our move from New Jersey to Japan!
by Louann R rate this post as useful

Re: Tommy Blalock 2013/6/7 13:02
Tommy Blalock is my older brother. We lived in Mameguchidai between Area 2 and the race track. Tommy now lives in Southwestern Washington.
by Don Blalock (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2013/6/9 10:34
Hi, Don

I know Mameguchidai well, Please search to a Chinese character. " 豆口台 " But, the scenery changed very much from 1980s.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Tommy Blalock 2013/6/10 10:13
Did Tom Blalock attend YIS ?
by Eric Davis (guest) rate this post as useful

Todays Haiku 2013/6/13 22:13
I dodge the raindrops with my mower

but do I wish that it was snow ??

Oh no !!
by peter saunders rate this post as useful

Kamiseya 2013/6/29 11:34
Konnchiwa Minasama,

There was a Kamiseya communication base local of Yokohama. But, the base was already closed. I visited there with my dad before.
The office of his last was Seya police station. The female commander welcomed us.
Many people were playing with the model plane of radio control in the ground near the base. The road of the cherry trees was made for the runway in an emergency.
The picture was friendship day at the time of the last. The naval bases of Yokohama and most Navy houseing seem to moved around Zushi and Yokosuka. Existing are only Negishi and north dock.

Please posting if you have the good recollections of Yokohama.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2013/7/16 14:27
I was a dependant to my father, CTCM Edward J. Lewis Jr. from 1963 to 1964. We lived in the Nasugbu Beach housing area and enjoyed the periodic earthquakes. The quad we shared had the traditional cracks from ground to roof. I attended YoHi for a couple of weeks then transferred to Saint Joseph's College. Rode the bus every morning and saw Mt. Fuji in every season. St. Maur's was right next door and the fence between the two schools became a meeting place during recess periods. I still have my two yearbooks. I didn't dress appropriately for one and was looking off to the side. The years were 1963 and 1964 and I still have memories of an accelerated curriculum that made 11th and 12th grade seems like repeats of 9th and 10th.
by Peter R. Lewis (guest) rate this post as useful

Hey Peter ! 2013/7/23 11:28
You arrived just after we left. We lived across from the Area 2 (Nasubu Beach) housing area on Ave. D. We were across from the middle gate of Area 2.

This housing area and the hillside behind it leading up to Negishi Hights was our place to play as pre teen kids.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Zebra Club 2013/8/5 22:07
The Zebra Club was a popular restaurant for enlisted ranks and their guests in Yokohama for many years.

How did the club get its name ?
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2013/8/6 03:52
did it have to do with stripes ? as in that officers do not have stripes on their uniforms, but enlisted men do.
by peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Zebra Club 2013/8/6 23:18
I think the Zebra Club was originally a senior enlisted club, and since senior enlisted people have a lot of stripes, they are sometimes referred to as a Zebra. But, I could be wrong, I was wrong once before.
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2013/8/7 01:24
Only once ?!

You're being far too modest.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Zebra Club 2013/8/7 15:25
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Zebra Club 2013/8/7 22:41
I had guessed the name came from the 3rd Infantry Division that was active in the Korean War.

The 3rd ID shoulder patch resembles a zebra stripe pattern.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Bon dance 2013/8/8 02:30
Japan is a season of Bon festival dance.
This is a song of coal mine. I think this was danced also in Yokohama navy housing area.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Carrier "Izumo" 22DDH 2013/8/8 03:15
The Maritime Self Defense Force held the launching ceremony of the newest carrier "Izumo". This is the Yorktown class and carry helicopters, it is the greatest in MSDF.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Izumo 2013/8/8 11:45
I was stunned when the band played "Anchors Aweigh" when the Izumo was christened.

No doubt this will put some heads spinning amongst our old salts.
by Eric Davis (guest) rate this post as useful

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