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Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/4 16:20
Some years ago I got a job to teach English in Japan. In a small town. In a rural prefecture.

I gave up after two weeks and went home, before having given it a fair crack.

Then bitterly, bitterly regretted it for years.

I suppose having lived and worked abroad will look good for any future jobs you apply for. You'll have an amazing experience, regardless of a ropey company or being in a rural area (there are positives to working in a remote place, as well as to working in a city) and even if you only stay one year, it's probably better than what you'd be doing otherwise.
by junkymotown (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/4 18:00
250k/month or so is a Hell of a lot better than minimum wage in a store...

In a Leopalace, what's the rent? I stayed in one for a couple months a few years back, when my employer sent me to a different city for a few months on a temporary basis. The company fully paid everything of course, but I saw the bill. For the place I was (Aichi), it was a bit over 40,000/month rent. Even assuming it's 60,000/month, I fail to see how OP, as a single person, won't be able to live well and save some decent scratch.

I've said before that a lot of companies are crap, and it's true, but if you want to live in Japan you gotta deal with crap companies sometimes. It doesn't mean that the job itself is bad. Teaching is a pretty fun, easy, rewarding job most of the time.

If you aren't interested in Japan anymore then don't come. Why live in a place that you don't want to. But sounds to me more like you are inventing reasons not to come. You'll miss your dog? Yeah I understand that, I'm not heartless, but come on man. If your saying things like that, then you are really reaching. It sounds like you aren't mature or fit enough to live in another country on your own. Stay home.
by Heh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/4 19:14
It's totally ok if OP doesn't want his job and opportunity. Lots of other people do (looking at how frequently questions on getting jobs in Japan pops up).

He can just pass that chance up and actually let people who are willing and interested take his place. Whether he'll regret it or not in the future, only the future can tell.

by uoro (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/4 19:44
Quite honestly, I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind to do this. I think I'm too messed up to move across the world by myself to a country where I barely speak the language. Also, I really think I need therapy, because there are a lot of issues I need to work on.

If it makes me a loser or a scumbag, so be it. Maybe I can do it some other time, but right now does not seem to be a good time.
by md578 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/4 21:41
If you think it's not the right moment to go (for whatever reasons) then it's probably best if you don't. Don't let anyone judge you mate.

by reprazent rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/5 01:15
It's not a big deal at all, nor are you a scumbag. No one would ever think that. You are declining an opportunity. It does not matter if you already received a visa or whatever, who cares.

Receiving the visa is like the same as receiving an official offer of employment. You can still decline it for myriad reasons.
I doubt it will influence any future attempts to come to the country as a teacher. People have sudden changes all the time and abandon these kind of plans. Personal reasons, family problems, better opportunities, whatever.

Just do yourself a favor OP and make really sure that you don't want to/can't go through with it, before you cancel the whole plan, because you should really stick with whatever you decide next (either staying home or coming to Japan).
by Heh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/5 15:19
Just make this decision:
In five years time, when i grow up, mature and with a proper standing would i look back and regret this moment or would feel proud in the decision i made.

That is all you can ask of yourself.

P.S. I paid to sky dive but never did get off the plane. I'm proud to know myself better.
by joshua hugh (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/5 16:23
I totally agree with Rabbityama.

You did search nothing, what you did was 'viewing informaiton on internet'.

The company that gave you, who are out of Japan an opportunity, being your visa sponsor doesn't sound too bad, being visa sponsor is not just expensive but also risky, real bad companies ususally employ WH makes because it is much easier.
by Niibara (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Backing out of a job before arriving 2015/3/19 03:28
So, I ended up not going.

You guys were absolutely right. I'm really regretful now. I let my fear dictate my decision, and I ended up making a terrible choice.

Now, I'm unemployed and living at home. Let this be a lesson to anyone who finds themselves in a similar position.

Hopefully, I can make enough money again and find another company to work for. But first, I think I need to get some form of therapy and anxiety medication.
by md578 rate this post as useful

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