
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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well 2007/4/24 12:33
i would like to know the process of emailing it to this person. I don't know how it works.
by christian rate this post as useful

xxxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp 2007/6/27 22:03
Our hotel received the E-mail to book our room and we tried to reply many times but they aren't through.
How can we do,please.

by krishna rate this post as useful

This is scary 2007/6/27 22:23
Krishna, I'm sorry I can't help you on this, but I thought hotels are suppose to keep their customer's private addresses to themselves. You may want to contact the webmaster and have your post deleted or change the content.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Read the thread 2007/6/27 22:33

As has already been mentioned several times in this thread, the majority of docomo users automatically and unknowingly block emails from ISPs other than Japanese mobile phones. That is why you cannot respond, and there is no other way of contacting the person.
And as Uco also wrote it is rather irresponsible to publish someone's email address in a public forum. Hopefully Uji will be along shortly to blank it out.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

i cant either. 2007/7/7 23:07
i think its becoz hotmail doesnt recognize it as an email id... maybe u shud get them to send u an email first, then "reply" to it...
by ru rate this post as useful

LOL 2007/7/10 03:31
Go get yahoo mail at yahoo.com i got it and i allways send email to my Kanojo on the adresse ***@docomo.ne.jp it works really find and even sending pictures and files
Hope it could help you
by IGO rate this post as useful

Docomo email problems!! 2007/8/30 12:57
My friend moved back to japan, and we were keeping intouch through emails, andnow- it always sends them back to me, what is the problem? Im worried i wont be able to get a hold of her :/ im in the U.S....
by Amber rate this post as useful

Returned email 2007/8/30 17:30

it always sends them back to me, what is the problem?

Is there no message accompanying the returned email explaining why it couldn't be delivered?
It is possible that the person has changed their email address, but without seeing the error message, it is hard to say for certain.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

try this for a change (re: DOCOMO) 2007/9/8 12:18
before you send the email go to format, encoding, select "unicode (UTF-7)"
This is the only way I have been able to send to Docomo.
by Ed rate this post as useful

I have same problem 2007/9/12 22:41
I been chatting and trading e-mail with one of my friend for long time.

Then 3 month ago, It started to be impossible to send e-mails to her.

I am using Yahoo.co.jp

I didn't heard from her or e-mailed to her for 3 month now.
But I got new e-mail not long time ago. and now I am trying to send e-mail back. But it again don't work.

I was thinking before that I could not send her e-mail, because she closed or changed her phone e-mail. But now.. I think its same problem that started from 3 month ago.

She can send me, by I can't send back.
by Armen rate this post as useful

Error 2007/9/12 22:45
Here is error message I get from Yahoo.co.jp


The original message was received at Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:15:56 +0900 (JST)
from xxxxxxx.yahoo.co.jp []

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 550 Unknown user xxxxxxxxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp)

----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp.:
550 Unknown user xxxxxxxxxx@docomo.ne.jp
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
by Armen rate this post as useful

. 2007/9/13 14:53

Period before @ is violation of Internet standard, though DoCoMo somehow allows it.
This address may not be reachable from strict email program/service.

Here is error message I get from Yahoo.co.jp

I too got similar error message a few days ago about DoCoMo email addresses to which I can usually send. It was first time for me and seems to be temporary failure.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

Reply 2007/9/14 00:19
The thing is..

Like 3 month ago.

I was sending letter to this e-mail.
With out any problems..

But now..
by Armen rate this post as useful

docomoooo 2007/10/19 00:21
i also have that problem!!!

i tried to send an email to one of my japanese host sisters but whenever i send it from hotmail to docomo.ne.jp they say the server is busy...

but i read your message about innapropiate stuff....for example...


wont work...is there any way to make it work? cause the email im trying to send to is almost exactly the same....it has those 2 dots...

is there any way i could send the email!!!!????

i really need help cause i cant contact her cause i havent got her number or anything just her email!!!!!!
by mich rate this post as useful

phone 2007/10/19 05:54
1) http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/info/spam_mail/

Here's many ways docomo users can modify email/message reception. It will give you an overview - also, so many ways they can accidentally, or not, block incoming emails/messages.

2) Try a friend that has a docomo jp phone to try and send a message to the person.

3) If Yahoo and Google both don't work, well..... it's gonna be tough to get them to work sending emails if the recepient email is oddly fomed.

4) from 2002:

It may be spam prevention measures on docomo's side - they're asking $ from the ISPs to verify that they're not a spam source prior to allowing messages to go thorugh.

5) The .@ has been described in: http://search.cpan.org/~miyagawa/Email-Valid-Loose-0.05/lib/Email/Valid/Loose.pm

Since it is invalid in rfc822, you may have to find an email account that allows exceptions.

6) Mailbox of recepient full?
by D =) rate this post as useful

Re: docomo 2007/10/28 08:26
I have had this problem with Yahoo! Mail accounts because I have two. One for friends and the other one for junk. Docomo accounts don't seem to like e-mails from yahoo address'es because I received 2 e-mails from 2 different penpals and when I replied. BAM! They both bounced back to as undeliverable :? and I tried using both accounts but no joy there O_o. So I will not reply to anyone that uses docomo e-mail and I have configured my account to reject that domain too.
by 50035 rate this post as useful

Docomo mail restrictions 2007/10/28 17:54

If you read back through all the replies in this thread, you should see that this problem is not peculiar to email sent from Yahoo mail accounts - but to all internet meil accounts. Similarly, the problem does not necessarily apply to all docomo users.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

Skype In & Out 2007/11/17 21:36
I ran into same problem with docomo.ne.jp, using Windows Vista mail and a comcast.net account, so it's a problem across platforms and I'net suppliers.
I purchased a SkypeIn number in Japan, an 050 number, and will try to use messaging from that account to see if it circumvents the problem. It does allow friends in Japan to call or message me anywhere in the world with domestic charges. I'll try to get back with details if that works. Cost about $30 a year with a Skype Plus account.
by Ito Biru rate this post as useful

same here, i wanna ask... 2007/11/18 14:28
i want to send a mail to my friend, she lives in japan.she gave me her address of her phone(xxxxx@docomo.ne.jp) is it possible that i mail her through hotmail and yahoo email? will it cost my friend? if yes, how much does it cost?
by Leung rate this post as useful

Same questions, same answers 2007/11/18 22:30

is it possible that i mail her through hotmail and yahoo email?

Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends on whether she has set her phone to accept emails from non-mobile phone addresses. the quickest way to find out would be to try emailing her.

will it cost my friend?

Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends on her payment plan.

if yes, how much does it cost?

See above.
by Dave in Saitama rate this post as useful

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