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anisakis 2007/3/21 03:41
the nasty bacteria is anisakis worm and the raw fish must be previously frozen to kill parasites
by jordi jufresa rate this post as useful

Imitation Crab 2007/12/29 02:58
What about imitation crab, can you eat that?
by Preggers Myself rate this post as useful

Sushi during pregnancy debate... over. 2008/6/11 16:51
Eating sushi with raw fish or eating sashimi is just as dangerous to pregnant or non-pregnant people. Any time you eat any food almost anywhere, there is a possible risk of food poisoning. The difference during pregnancy is that the stakes are higher, and some people are unwilling to take any chances of any kind.

That said, I was soooo careful with my first child and even stopped eating my beloved sushi for 9 months. Everything was fine.
For my second child I decided not to be so paranoid. I have never had food poisoning and if I kept to the same good restaurants I always eat at, things should be fine. I ate lots of sushi, sashimi, and cooked fish. My baby was healthy and perfectly happy.

This entire argument is about minimizing risk. And that's fine. But the people who are so paranoid as to outlaw an entire type of food on the off chance you might get a bad bite are the same people who would have us sand down all the corners and edges in the house to rounded, and glue on foam padding to everything.

One final note... I've seen arguments about flash freezing of raw fish STILL not making it safe. It kills off bacteria and critters but not the eggs of the critters. Well I have news for you, if you've been eating sushi with worm eggs in it, you have worms. If you get pregnant and stop eating sushi, you still have worms from before. Not eating sushi didn't change much.

My advice. Eat clean, eat healthy, but don't eat paranoid or there will be little good left to eat. (And to all you who'll say "there's lots of good cooked foods to eat...," cooked foods have a fraction of the nutritional and enzyme values of raw foods. If you want to malnurish your babies in the name of paranoia, go ahead, just stop advising others to do the same.)
by Lala rate this post as useful

In Japan... 2008/6/11 19:29
My wife is Japanese and she loves sashimi and sushi very much. Even in pregnant, she ate raw sushi very often. It is true that "maguro" (including "toro"), and “kinme-dai” contain Mercury than other fish. So you should care when eating them, especially you are in pregnant. (But mercury is no matter if it is raw or cooked.)
But I've never heard it from Japanese doctor that it is dangerous to eat sashimi when you pregnant.
So, when you go to sushi restauran, and you explain why you don’t want to eat raw fish(“because I’m pregnant …“ ), sushi master may not understand what you mean.
So, you can say just like these.
“nama mono wa taberare masen”
or "watashi wa namamono ga dame desu"「なまものは たべられません」「わたしは なまものが だめです」
Both means “I can’t eat raw food”.

By the way,
I wender what means "imitation crab".
You mean "kani-kamaboko"?
Kani-kamaboko is made from fish (steamed "Alaska Pollock"). It cleavable very thin, so it looks and feels like crab meat. (But the taste is very different!!)
by kapoo rate this post as useful

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