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Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/15 15:56
Yeah!! I keep scouring the net but all of these kinda threads are really dead and old :/
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/15 16:06
Yeah T^T it's the best thing I can do to keep sane while waiting.
by Ashureii rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/19 03:04
Ahh hello! I've also applied to ICU's September admission. I'm so nervous for the results, I'm glad to have stumbled upon other applicants like myself ^^; For me, I'm mostly worried about my ACT scores and essay.. I think I have good grades, but my SAT scores were way too low.. so I used my ACT instead because they looked at least a little better.. As for the essay, I know I don't have grammar errors and my sentence flow is nice because I had that checked so many times haha. I'm just afraid the topic itself is too boring or my point isn't string enough T-T

Anywho! I wish all of us the best of luck! I'm so nervous!
by kei103 rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/19 12:09
I'm deathly afraid mainly cos of my school term grades/transcripts cos I failed for my entire last year of Junior College, even though I passed my 'A's... D:
Yep, best of luck!!!
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/19 15:54
Hey. Kei! I'm also afraid my essay topic may appear boring to the readers at ICU T-T but I'm hoping it shows my strong resolve for studying in Japan at least. Have you received any emails back from ICU yet regarding your application?

After ICU emailed me twice, I emailed them with a very long reply, and they haven't messaged me back about it x.x it's been 5 days...I guess they got what information they wanted? I hope it was good...I was so nervous each time I emailed them back!
by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 10:58
Hi everyone ^^! Ahh I see everyone is afraid of different things xD I only got one email saying they received all necessary documents and that's all. Ashureii, if they didn't reply back, I'm sure that's their way of saying they got what they wanted!

I read some threads on other forums and some places say its hard to get Into ICU, and others say its not that hard. I'm not sure which is true! Soo nervous. What is you guys other choice IF you get rejected? mine is community college in U.S T^T that's why I want this real baddd. I applied to Waseda too tho! Anyone else?
by kei103 rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 11:34
Oooh I'm mainly hearing that it's just really hard to get in :////
If I don't make it to ICU, I'll prolly apply to Temple U Japan. I haven't applied anywhere else yet cos the application cost is too high so I'll only apply if I don't make it. I heard TUJ accepts anyone as long as they can pay the tuition fee, but if I don't make it there either I'll probably head to NYU.
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 12:14
I wanted to apply to Sophia and Waseda as well, but could only afford one application fee, and ICU is my top choice, so I chose there...honestly though, I have no other options. I already completed community college here-I applied as a transfer to ICU. If I don't get in, I'll be very heart broken...but I'll try again.

As for whether or not it's hard to get accepted..the only students I've heard from were only at ICU as one-year student abroad students through a home University, so that fact is still up in the air.

When ICU emailed me though, there was a number included after my name in the subject line..I'm guessing that was the # my application arrived in? In that case, there are at least 200+ applicants for September o.o
by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 13:03
Yeah I think it's the application number... Mine was 100+ :/ I imagined there would be more but the thought of competing with hundreds of people scares me. And we can't forget that this is the March Deadline, and that there were alr many applicants for the January deadline...
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 13:36
Yes, I'm not sure if the number included the Jan application numbers or not Dx if not, then there's at least that many in the March period...and I haven't seen on their site where it says the number of students accepted each semester (like Sophia). Very worrying indeed...hdsjkhla.
by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 14:56
The website says they have about 2100 students, 10% of which are international, making that 210 odd in the whole school, across 4 years... So about 50 people accepted?!
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 14:59
Ahh all these answers make me more nervous :x KyomoNoa, how old are you? Or more like, what school level are you in? I want to wait and reapply every year until I get in somewhere in Japan too LOL. But then I'll
be like 20 x.x I graduated high school 2011 and taking a year off right now to apply. And Ashureii, how many years did you complete community college? 4? Can you transfer from community college to overseas? Idk If my local community college can do that but If they can.. it'll make me feel a tad better.

I don't remember my number at all x.x I'll take a look tomorrow but ahh that's a lot of applicants :((
by kei103 rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 15:41
I just looked at the University Data page, and it says that in October 2011, they had 164 international students in the College of Liberal Arts...so that "50" estimate might be pretty close D: that's really scary! I wonder why a school with "International" in it's title would accept so few international students?? Surely there must be many more accomplished students applying than that. At least, I hope we all have represented ourselves well in our applications and make it in!

Kei, I stayed for 4 years to earn two degrees, but that's still the equivalent of two University years. As for transferring, you can go anywhere no matter which community college you attended, it has nothing to do with whether or not your college can do it; it's just separate from the system. The catch is that all your units aren't all guaranteed to transfer as they would in the US (for example, in California, all my classes can be accepted by any University here, since we're in the same state and therefor in the same system). However, since ICU is international, they can more readily accept foreign credits. There's more details on their transfer page though. Still, even if only half or less of my credits are accepted, that would be fine with me. I just want to study at ICU! Anyways, I hope I explained that well, the US educational system is very complicated, but transferring overseas is really no biggy! :]

by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 15:59
I just found in the FAQ that they accept around 90 students each September so if half was from the Jan deadline, only about 45 will be accept this time round :/
I'm actually 18, just having graduated from Junior College (equivalent to Grade 12?)
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 16:26
O: really? Where in the FAQ does it say that?
Only 45....SIGH =_= *prays*

It's going to kill me now to need to wait for so long...still another 1-2 months before we'll hear anything. I'm getting more worried every day about my application.
by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 16:37
Nah it said 90, the 45 bit was my conclusion. Yeahhh I wish time would fly to end of April now!
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/20 18:10
Yeah, but it's a good hypothesis if we already know at least 90 will be admitted. We can guess around 45 from the second application period will be chosen. I wonder why there are two applications periods then, though? What if there are more capable applicants in one than the other? What if a number of impressive candidates apply in the January deadline, although more in March, but they then can't accept all of the students they would like to because they've already accepted too many from the January applicants? Or...am I over-thinking this? XDD I think I'm getting carried away. But it makes me curious! lol
by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/21 01:44
That is such a low number! so scary T^T oh my number was 196 by the way! And Ashureii, thank you for the info!! Helped me a lot! Do you live in California?! I do! Haha. I wonder if you can transfer in two years? A lot of hard working students in communit college tries to transfer to a UC school within two years. I wonder If I can do that too except for ICU.

KyomoNoa, oh we are the same age! xD
I'm starting to over think all of this too x.x I just want it to be late April-May already!!
by kei103 rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/21 05:42
Yep, I'm in California :D! Lol, small world that you're here too! Two years is definitely possible, many people finish within that time and transfer successfully to UC's. But I'm one of those weirdos who would rather skip out on all the CSU and UC fuss and just finish my education in Japan ^^;; for many reasons though!

Are you two hoping to enter the dorms if you are accepted? The site says that not all students will find housing in the dorms due to limited space, so I was looking at the suggested dorm company (Gakusei Kaikan), and they are very pricey 0_0 granted, the price includes meals, it's still a lot. Cheapest I saw in the Musashino area was 84800yen/month. I'm looking up apartments too, to see if it'd be cheaper, but it's hard to say.
by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/21 09:44
I want to go to Japan too for my education rather than settling down in an UC environment xD!! where in CA do you live? North, South? I'm from San Diego!

I haven't looked at any dorms yet x.x I want to wait for the results first before researching into details such as dorms and scholarships! Idk what to do if it's pricey though... I have some money, but I want to save as much as possible afterall. Are you part Japanese ? Just wondering!
by kei103 rate this post as useful

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