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- 2008/6/9 11:05
how about Bennie K?
theyre good ~ then again are they labelled as pop too?
by misa rate this post as useful

Isn't Boa is Korean? 2008/10/28 08:43
Just wondering about a post I saw....isn't Boa Korean though? She's popular in Japan but if I'm not mistaken she is Korea with a company called SM Entertainment.
by USAngel rate this post as useful

From Kyoto 2008/11/25 09:49

is the realest MC in Japan
if you dont know
ask somebody
by Jonasty rate this post as useful

The BEst 2009/4/8 05:57
I'd would have to say no other Japanese female rapper/ R&B singer can beat this chick. AI(Queen of J-soul, and hip-hop.) Yep the one and only, and she's fluent in english. There's also idk that's the only person i really listen to. for J-urban etc.
by Young Izzle (guest) rate this post as useful

Oh Yeah!!! 2009/4/8 06:00
Check out her song, with Trey songz - Beautiful. She is truly one of the best. She's really funny also. aka the Original AI
by Young Izzle (guest) rate this post as useful

I like Nomak 2009/5/4 17:29
Who listens to Nomak here? he is in my top five...
by DavinHang (guest) rate this post as useful

a good Japanese band 2009/6/20 16:29
I live in Adachi,Tokyo.and theres a really good band from here there called : Back-on Teeda (emcee) sings hip-hop along with Kenji03 (emcee and guitarist) sing a lot of hip-hop / J-rock I would reccomend the song chain by them. I hope this helps!^^. Tokyo native,

-Sasori Hayashii 蠍 芳養しい
by Sasori (sori) Hayashii (guest) rate this post as useful

boa 2009/7/20 00:28
i don't know many but kwon BoA is very popular in Japan and korea. she is starting to make her way into US pop right know.
i lovwe her
by shawnaO rate this post as useful

what style are you after? 2009/12/13 12:31
is a good place to look.
id ask the author of this thread to give some examples of the hip hop that they like and i could match the japanese counter part for you.
too many of the suggestions in here are being confused for hip hop (understandable though as most of the good hip hop in japan dose not get the big budget promo as the j-pop / hip pop).
there have been a few good suggestions though.
my top five of all time would be:

Dj Muro (known as the king of diggin, nuff said)
Gagle (jazzy hiphop consisting of 3 members)
Nitro Microphone Underground (quite a few members dabo would be my pick out of them)
Rhymester (been around for ages)
Kohei Japan (good lyrics)
by Random (guest) rate this post as useful

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