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message related to Gat- esquirol's post 2009/12/2 03:15
Hello everyone,

As being French myself, I must comment the post by Gat- esquirol.

- ''My family is French (although our mother tongue isn't French but one of France's numerous regional languages)''

What is your mother tongue ???

-- The official language of France is french (Constitution, article 2).

In 2009 and since a long time, there is not any school in france where any other language than french is taught as the first language.

- ''All the marriages in our extended family but also in many of the families we knew were arranged. The man was expected to be the master of the house no matter what''

-- This is weird. 0% of the couples around me are from arranged marriages. Since the 18th century, marriages in france are related to love and not to the wish of the parents/familly.

I admit that arranged marriages and using french as secondary language may still happen in an extremely low range of french famillies related with fanatism and cult ƒJƒ‹ƒg

Sorry for the off-topic message, but I couldn't let without answer that message showing the country from wich I'm a citizen, as stuck in the medieval age.

by Marsu rate this post as useful

reply to masu 2010/5/5 04:02
thanks for claryfying. I am asuming the writer must be a french citizen or a descendant from french colonies/ french speaking nations. I have francophone friends in france who are french therefore the arranged marriage bit might stem from their ancestors culture or religion e.g muslim.

That comment may be a description of a particular family and friends who share the same culture.
by aka (guest) rate this post as useful

typical male behaviours-def not cultural 2010/5/6 03:52
I've been reading all the comments, remarks etc in this thread.

First of all, i want to say, for the first phase of the relationship, it's always going be a honey moon or fun-to-get-to-know each other period, I don't think it's love - this is just physical attraction.Then it wears off when we start to notice more of the things, that will irritate us in the long run - this is where we have to get realistic with their true behaviours that becomes long term. Their true colours can either be good or bad.

Do you want to put up with this for the rest of time, you're with him? If a relationship was based on love and true to your heart - there would be trust, faith, loyalty, no jealousy what so ever if you're earning more money than he do, or have a bettter career or you have male friends. He should be considerate, sensitive to your needs, able to trust and treat you as an equal and stop being a control freak!!!! Well, is he doing that? or he only just gets nice when intimacy is involved?

Only you know the answers to keep the relationship going or not. you girls, deserve better than this.

-- STellar stars...

by stellarstars rate this post as useful

Truth has many faces 2010/5/6 06:05
I don't want to start a war of religion and culture...but please have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_France and, if you speak French, at: http://www.dglf.culture.gouv.fr/garde.htm

check also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Road_signs_bilingual_Breton_in_Quimp...
and http://www.p-n-o.org/sinhaletica.htm

I learned Occitan at home and in Calendretas (special schools) see http://www.midipyrenees.fr/Une-ecole-pour-tous-laique-et-moderne

Occitan has similarities with Catalan, a language spoken both in France (Roussillon region) and in the Barcelona region. It is also spoken (officially) in the Val d'Aran and the Italian Piemont.

Of course I also learned French at home and in school..along with German, English etc. I got a score of 20 /20 in Philosophy at the "Baccalaureat", the French high-school graduation exam. This was not a multiple choice questionnaire by the way..

Just because a country has only one official language doesn't mean that other languages aren't used.
In the USA, where I go several times a year, lots of goods have labels in Spanish besides English. There are also Spanish signs and announcements in public buildings, transit etc.

My family is not French by naturalization. We have been living in the same region since at least the 1500s according to records. We have always been Christians.

An arranged marriage is not a forced marriage. Big difference. We are introduced to someone and encouraged, but not forced, to marry them. And yes it still happen today, especially--but not only-- in upper middle class and aristocratic families.

by Gat-esquirol (guest) rate this post as useful

I'd like to say that... 2010/6/25 08:54
I like this forum and I'm happy to hear that Japanese guys do date black women. I have liked Asian men for a long time (must have been all the kung fu movies I grew up watching) and was curious about dating them. My experience so far has been that Asian (south-east Asian) guys would prefer to date/be friends with women from their own race or white women.

I am living in Sweden now having come here to do a PhD. For a conference myself and colleagues had organised, I invited a Japanese researcher (on strictly platonic grounds, of course) to come and give a talk about his research. Whereas other speakers were naturally interested in talking to my colleagues as they were researching the same subject, my guest - researching the same subject as me - was not interested in talking to me at all; he was polite enough but stand-offish. He would, however, open up freely when he was talking to the 'big boy' proffs or senior researchers. There have been other incidents, too.

Your comments have reminded me that people are individuals and you can't generalise people from one nationality or other. If I were to ever date a Japanese guy I think I will enjoy learning about our cultural differences, understand and accept them, and accept him for who he is. I think it's also a case of knowing what you can tolerate in a relationship and what you can't.

Keep the comments coming!
by Dee (guest) rate this post as useful

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