Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Re: Becoming an actress in Japan 2011/11/2 03:02
I think its really cool that you want to be a actress in japan because i want to be one too! And the changes are actually pretty good because your not jappanses( what a great way to be notice and i've seen people thats not japanese in japanese moives. so i say go for it!!! :)
by none (guest) rate this post as useful

Pursue Your Dream, Let None Stop You 2011/11/16 14:40
I'm pleasantly surprised by the many positive reactions the OP has garnered. However, for some of the others I'd just like to say this:
The OP was asking for advice, not discouragement. She's already said she plans on working very hard and has a good idea of what direction she wants to head. I understand that some people are simply being realistic and that some occupations (particularly the one she is asking about) are incredibly hard to break into, but it can, and has, been done. Regardless of how difficult it may be, she'll definitely never end up where she wants to be if she doesn't try.
My advice: Work hard, do what you love and don't give up, no matter what others may say to stop you. It's your life, you get to decide what to do with it. It's folks with that kind of drive that get to see their dreams become reality. I'm rooting for you=)
by Astano (guest) rate this post as useful

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