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On left handedness 2009/10/31 13:39
I am left handed, and studied Japanese for two years as part of my Bachelor's degree program. I do not have messy handwriting in English or Japanese, and am an accomplished artist. The only tool I have run across that has caused me problems is a push broom. This is because the screw on handle is designed to tighten each time a right handed person adjusts his or her grip. When a lefty adjusts their grip, it begins to loosen the handle from the brush.
I have adapted so seamlessly to any other tool I have used, it isn't until someone else points out that it might be harder for me to use that I realize that the tool is not designed for a left handed person. I feel that being left handed has caused me to be a more versatile person, able to problem solve, and see things from a unique perspective.
What concerns me the most about your posts is that you don't see your daughter to be separate from you. She will be different from you in ways that are outside your control. If you are unwilling to "let" her be left handed, which is her natural inclination, what other things will you not allow, when they don't follow how you think things "should" be.
by Kris (guest) rate this post as useful

Our Parents 2009/11/4 21:02
In response to Adam's question, my in-laws don't know that our daughter is left-handed. My mother was actually the one who first suspected that our daughter is left-handed. My mum doesn't think it's a good idea to have our daughter converted (she even said that my mother in law shouldn't have converted my wife).

Most Asians I know would convert/have converted their child if left-handed. However, I also asked the opinions of those who got converted and am suprised that not a single one felt that is it a good idea. So I will just give up my wish of wanting her to be right-handed.
by Brady (guest) rate this post as useful

surprised? 2009/11/5 09:03
It's not really surprising that people feel that forcing a child to totally suppress his or her natural instincts and struggle for years with doing something totally unnatural is a bad idea. I'm surprised that you're surprised.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

not an asian thing 2009/11/5 17:31
Most Asians I know would convert/have converted their child if left-handed

Strange...im asian, about 95% of my friends and people i know are, and i doubt most of them heard of such a thing...
by henderson (guest) rate this post as useful

good 2009/11/5 18:28
So I will just give up my wish of wanting her to be right-handed.
Thank goodness for that.
End of thread.
by fmj rate this post as useful

Lefties are more likely to have lefties 2009/11/13 01:21
My mum (a leftie) has 2 lefties and 2 right-handed kids. And yes, my mum is Japanese. Her parents tried switching her but were unsuccesful. My mum and left-handed siblings write slower than I do. Like OP, I would prefer a right-handed child.

Plus side: I find that left-handed parents tend to be more lenient and liberal.
by Ayu (guest) rate this post as useful

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