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Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/21 13:49
Ah, I'm from up North in the Sierras ^^ a bit far away! Though my brother lives in SD so I've been there quite a number of times. Nah, I'm 100% just plain white lol. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but it's just fun to look up for now while waiting for results.

Kyomo-O wait, I forgot we already talked about dorms XD sorry, my bad.
by Ashureii (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/21 18:57
I think splitting it into Jan/Mar deadlines makes it easier for them to review the applicants? So that it doesn't all flood them at the same time and make the process even longer than it already is.
Mmm I'm going to pray really hard I get the dorm cos I don't think I can afford anything else... And the on-campus dorm would be so much more convenient!
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/3/22 05:16
Ashureii, oh nice! ^^ yeah I really want to be able to talk about dorms and whatnot already! xD I like looking at the blogs you guys shared on earlier pages haha!

And KyomoNoa, you're right I think! Because regular colleges in the US usually has their deadline around December but you don't get results until April whereas when it's split like ICU, you get them within a month (still feels long!)
by kei103 rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/12 12:00
Hiya guys~
I received a letter from ICU a week ago letting me know they got all my application documents and that the result will be out at the end of the month to mid-May.
I seriously got a heart attack when I saw it 'cos I didn't know they'd send a letter like that so I thought it was the application result letter that came early or sth. O_O
Omg I can't waitttttt for the end of the month!!!
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/27 06:42
ahhh! its already the end of month! Did you guys get any letter? I wonder if they'll send it by e-mail too... Well anyways,I hope I get in! and I hope you guys get in too! :) Last year there were less student due to Fukushima earthquake so I'm sure there are more students this year :)
by popthebottle (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/27 12:48

No, I haven't... :(((
I've been freaking out everyday since the 20th and checking the mail neurotically. I even had a nightmare some weeks back that I didn't get accepted omg. D':
I don't think they'll email, actually.. :/
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/27 21:27
OMG me too! I'm so nervous!:S
I'm applying for nagoya U as well but I really want to go to ICU. xD
Oh btw, do you guys know how the course system works?
by popthebottle (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/27 23:16
Hi Im or I was April student with ID 902005.
ICU is the only one systematic and well organized college as far as I see.

For us April entrance aplicant the way how the authority choose students are totally HIDDEN. I guess I took three exam and top gun of each are allowed to get in , I mean they do not value us on total score at all.

So, it is quite tough to predict whether you can get in or not.

But I can give you one info.
The dorm assign new students to wear funny SHELLlike sometime Godzira or on sometimes Vampire for one week. They call it the INITIATION.

So I recommend you to get in the Dorms then every classmates know you quickly.
And you can have dance party called BALL roughly once a three week. it is totally fan.

I hope ya good luck!
by 36madcooky rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 05:03
I got home today and found a note from UPS saying they attempted to deliver a 100gm package today from Tokyo, Japan. I haven't ordered anything from Japan, nor do I have any penpals (esp ones who would courier stuff), so I think there's a very high chance it's from ICU!!!
Since the package bounced and it's the weekend now, the next delivery attempt will be on Monday so I'll be camping in front of my open door all day Monday.
I don't think ICU would courier a rejection letter, right...? And a rejection letter can't be 100gm, right...? So I can raise my hopes a little...? Omg I'm so anxious, I don't think I'll be able to sleep until Monday. Of course, there's a chance the package isn't even from ICU as well. Omg.

I actually only applied to ICU 'cos the application fees to Japanese Us are rather exorbitant and non-refundable so I decided if I get rejected by my first choice, then I'll apply to my second choice, which is TUJ (which I hear accepts basically everyone, but I'm not particularly keen on it).

Thanks for your info!!! Yeah, I've heard about the dorm initiation from many sources like blogs or videos on YouTube! It's held on ICU's Bakayama right?
Are you in the ICU on-campus dorms right now?
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 07:50
YEY!! I got accepted!!! xD I got the package today. :)
@kyomoNao: Mine is heavy so Im sure its an acceptance letter! :D
by popthebottle (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 08:10
But im not sure if I'll choose ICU.. because I want to take sciences but the bio/chem lessons are mostly in japanese :S and I'm not very good in japanese... D:
by popthebottle (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 12:00
Omggggg I'm so anxious!!! I wish time would fly by to Monday now D: How did everyone else do?? Ashureii? Kei??
IDKKKK I hope so ://// I would die if I get rejected :(

Oh, I see what you mean, but the first 2 years will be Japanese intensive to make sure we are well prepared to study in Japanese so it should be fine? All the course are mainly in Japanese at ICU.
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 15:28
Ahhh long time no talk! ^^; I have a Waseda thread where I get email notifications because I am the creator..but with this one, I keep forgetting that I'm just a guest so I need to manually check everytime!

I got my package today on my doorsteps!!! :'D I got accepted!! I wish everyone else the best of luck as well. KyomoNoa, my package was heavy too so I'm sure it means you got accepted!!
by kei103 rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 15:47
Hey Kei!!
Congrats!!!! I really hope so too :///
Does that mean you'll be going to ICU? Or do you have other choices?
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 19:34
I guess Ud better 2 enter ICU for two years or so.
And you can think of transfer to Sophia or SFC or APC.
by 36madcooky rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 20:00

But as usual the ensuing process is extremely bureaucratic and will be extremely troublesome so I have to start soon!!

I'll be staying at ICU for 4 years, and have no reason to transfer!
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 21:53
@KyomoNao: Congrats!!!! :D

@36madcooky: I tried other universities such as Sophia, Waseda, APu, etc.. but they dont have human science in english.. :( Do you think it's possible to transfer to US schools after 2 years ??
by popthebottle (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 22:55
AHH!! Thank you and congrats to both of you too, KyomoNoa & popthebottle!!! I read through EVERYTHING all in just one night because I was so excited xDD Im actually going to go check the post office to pick up my Waseda package that I missed. It says it's a package... but there's a high chance that it's just an interview package, like maps and details, because Waseda has that option. If so, I don't think I'll go through the hassle of interview because I'm extremely satisfied with ICU. If I get accepted to Waseda without an interview... I think I'll still pick ICU. I know Waseda is more known to foreigners and whatnot, but I'm really liking ICU and personally, Mitaka is close in my heart for many reasons ^^

We should definitely talk about dorms and such!! I have no idea what to choose!
by kei103 rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/28 23:31
Ooh, great! That means I'll see you in September!!! :D

Haha I skimmed through 80% of it because it was too wordy and I was kinda lazy. The whole process is so bureaucratic, but I'm getting ready to complete and submit everything. I just feel like the deadline is so far away, so I may be being too rash by doing it all now! I've already filled in half the forms, though!

My first choice would be 3WD, followed by 4WD, 2WD, Global, then Zelkova. I didn't really wanna put 2WD down since it's closing next year, but it's certainly more affordable than the co-ed dorms and at least until 2013 I can minimise expenses that way...
It looks like there really are very few openings in the dorms so I pray really hard I get it 'cos I can't afford anything else!!!
by KyomoNoa rate this post as useful

Re: How hard is it to get into ICU? 2012/4/29 02:34
congrats to you to kei!
Well, I'm not going to live in a dorm since my family lives in Tokyo. :( I wana live in a dorm and meet new friends but I need to save some money and look for part time job :S
by popthebottle (guest) rate this post as useful

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