Travel Reports by william0302 view profile of william0302

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February 27, 2019 - Trip to Tottori (arrival at the Tottori Airport)

Visiting Tottori for the first time.
Didn't know what to expect, but the CONAN Airport where I arrived opened up my heart...

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List of Posts:
2019/02/28 - Lunch at Mitaki-En in Tottori
2019/02/28 - Boat Cruise Along the Uradome Coast in Tottori
2019/02/28 - Dinner at Teppanyaki Fumon in Tottori
2019/02/28 - Jinpukaku, Tottori
2019/02/28 - Visiting Tottori Sand Dunes and Sand Museum
2019/02/28 - Lunch at Kaiyotei in Tottori
2019/02/28 - Paper-making at Aoya Washi Studio, Tottori
2019/02/28 - Asian Pear Picking in Tottori
2019/02/28 - Dinner at the Izanro Iwasaki Ryokan, Tottori
2019/02/27 - The Izanro Iwasaki Ryokan in Tottori
2019/02/27 - Nageiri-do Hall at Sanbutsuji Temple (Mt. Mitoku) in Tottori
2019/02/27 - Shukubo at Wakoin Temple (Buddhist cuisine) in Tottori
2019/02/27 - Trip to Tottori (arrival at the Tottori Airport)