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Language Barrier? 2013/2/25 10:09
I am planning on going to japan in 2014

I look forward to meeting interesting people and a refreshingly different environment.

Also being a fan of japanese media, such as music, games and of course anime, I look forward to seeing alot of this in some of the more urban destinations.

I don't take the time to get music translated simple because It sounds much more enjoyable in its native tongue. But I do not understand Japanese that well.

Which brings me to my real question...How apparent is the language barrier in japan? I have little clue what to expect over there and know little of the language. Obviously I am going to attempt to learn at least the basics. But is the English language still fairly applicable? Also, are people fairly patient with such situations? Additionally, to add on to the first question is English used in any significant places? Such as signs and directions?

I personally don't mind being lost. But lets say I was stranded in the middle of any given place in Japan...would I be able to get back on my way fairly easily?
by DJ Frostbyte  

Re: Language Barrier? 2013/2/26 13:12
While the language of Japan is most definitely Japanese, I get the impression you might be worrying a little too much. Even way out in the country major road signs and such have place names given in Latin letters. And, more importantly, even in these places people will display infinite patience and be falling over themselves to help you.

So, in my experience, you'll very likely wind up lost at least a couple of times, but nothing bad will happen to you, and you'll always be able to find your way again.

That said, any Japanese you can learn beforehand will serve you well. Also, keep a pen and paper on you for written communication and the drawing of maps when words seem to fail.
by Harimogura rate this post as useful

Re: Language Barrier? 2013/2/26 13:44
I have been able to get by with English and French.
by Red frog (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Language Barrier? 2013/2/26 17:34
Thanks for the tip Harimogura. I will do thatmuch, and I am not too worried...the worst i expect is a epic game of charades same day.
by DJ Frostbyte rate this post as useful

Re: Language Barrier? 2013/2/26 19:09
I carried this handbook I obtained from the local JNTO office
JNTO Tourist's Language Handbook
+ maps when I visited Japan; my Japanese vocabulary then was limited to arigato and sayonara. It helps that I can recognise some common Kanji characters.

I used it once on Tokaido Shinkasen when a Japanese lady sitting next to me wanted to pay when I ordered a drink from the rolling cart after I assisted her to lift her bag onto the overhead rack when she boarded the train - an act of gallantry she felt I needed to be rewarded;-)
In return when arriving at Tokyo terminus, I assisted her to take down her bag.

I even took my 1st bus trip to NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Mitaka Campus from Musashi-sakai station.
Fortunately I could use my Suica card on the bus and also the bus stop is at NAOJ entrance.
An interesting (ad)venture indeed.

Equipped with the right tools, knowledge + friendly assistance from Japanese folks,,
you are unlikely to get lost.
As they say, half the fun in travel is getting lost - like I did in Seoul subway but I found friendly assitance - typical Asian cultural trait.

by epsilon8 (guest) rate this post as useful

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