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Translation help 2013/3/2 06:32
Help me please with translion 機を同一させて
Full sentence: http://s.vndb.org/sf/56/10956.jpg

Thank you very much for help.
by DarkAkira  

Re: Translation help 2013/3/2 12:23
The subject of that sentence is "the voice of amazement" which came from two guys. That phrase you've got means that "(the voices) came at the same timing/time."

May I ask if you are a student of the language (trying to learn grammar from some comics), or trying to do some translation for online publishing or something? If you are trying to learn, these comics aren't really the best material...
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Translation help 2013/3/2 17:47
Actually, I'm learning Japnese(studying for JLPT 1). I'm reading Visual Novels to build vocabulary and to practise grammar, but this one(the one on screenshot) is pretty difficult...
Could you please suggest me a good material to practise reading skill?

And thanks for help with translation.
by DarkAkira rate this post as useful

Re: Translation help 2013/3/2 18:53
To tell the truth, this mode of expression is funny. (maybe it's like a joke or my English)
I think the writer can speak Japanese but seems to have read little novels.
I never think online nobels are bad, but I can't recommend to lean Japanese from the sentence like this.

However I can't think of the good one...
How about this news?
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Translation help 2013/3/2 19:11
I don't quite recommend those visual novels or comics, as they can be quite colloquial, or artificially old-fashioned, as you may have found out.

Have you looked at Hiragana Times? They have some articles about modern everyday Japan, which may not be bad to try out for practical vocabulary.
by AK rate this post as useful

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