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What if tajima-gyu fails kobe certification? 2013/3/10 21:24
Given tht tajima beef undergoes stringent quality tests including BMS, I'd like to know how is the beef sold or what happens if it fails the test? I understand it will get the 10 digit certification number but the number won't interpret as Kobe and of course it won't get the chrysanthemum stamp
Is the farmer off the list forever or does he just lose his reputation and goodwill?
by Sanjit Keskar (guest)  

Re: What if tajima-gyu fails kobe certification? 2013/3/11 11:02
Tajima beef that doesn't meet the quality guidelines is instead sold as wagyu. Not getting certified is just a part of business, and only about 50% of Tajima beef satisfy the criteria every year.

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