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'Kill Bill' type restaurant in Tokyo
2004/10/5 15:52
Does anyone know of any restaurants similar to the restaurant set in Kill Bill vol 1 in Tokyo (or Kyoto).I've been here over 2 years and never seen one - someone mentioned a restaurant in Roppongi was like it, but didn't know the name. We've got friends coming over to visit and would love to take them somewhere like that! Any ideas?
by sb
It doesn't exist
2004/10/5 18:31
The beauty of that Kill Bill restaurant is that anything of the type doesn't exist. It's a replica of Director Tarantino's brain contents, which is all 60s Toei movies in one. But if you're looking for a freaky place to dine, maybe your friend is talking about Ninja Akasaka. I've never been there, but their website is quite...tempting.
by Uco, Kill Bill fan
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kill bill restaurant
2004/10/7 14:08
They went to two restaurants, the first being your sushi bar and the second is a shabu-shabu restaurant. Basically it is a hot pot where you cook on your own. You can also try chanko nabemono which is similar. And no, it was not a creation of Tarantino! It is for real, if you have been to Japan!
by Miyake
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Miyake-san, I was assuming that Sb was asking for that type of restaurant, and not that type of meal. Were those locations real restaurants?? If so, I must renew my personal movie database.
But yes, I do recommend meals like shabushabu or chanko. Or even sushi.
by Uco
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it exists
2004/12/14 02:20
There is a House of Blue Leaves restaurant in Japan, perhaps Tokyo. It is different from Ninja. I know because Franz Ferdinand wrote a bit about going to the Japanese restaurant in Kill Bill on a previous trip to Japan. However, I don't know what it's called. Can anybody find out please? I think it's in Tokyo or some surrounding area.
by Alita
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2004/12/14 16:02
Isnft it gGonpachih in Nishi-Azabu? They say Tarantinofs got inspiration from this restaurant when he made Kill Bill, and used the place for the party when Kill Bill 1 was finally completed or so. However, it seems that they didnft actually shoot the film there even though JTB advertises so in their site below.
by Komori
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I've been There
2004/12/22 12:53
whoever said that the restaurant in kill bill was a set/does not exist has something wrong with their head! I have been to that restaurant and dined there myself, I don't know the name of it but it is in Tokyo and it definately exists - and they serve really good yakitori!
by Zuki
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Name of restaurant
2004/12/22 12:58
Yes, the name of the restaurant is Gonpachi, and yes, it WAS the set of Kill Bill, despite what some others might tell you.
by Zuki
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It's a set
2005/2/9 04:18
No, the restaurant in the movie is a set. Tarantino sent people over to the restuarant and took photos of it and replicated some of the design on the movie set.
by joe
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"Kill Bill" restaurant
2006/2/12 09:36
to Komori and Zuki: Okay so the "kill Bill" restaurant is real. Someone told me it wasn't real and that it was Hollywood but I am glad that they are wrong or lied and that it is real. I really love Japanese movies and I am going to Tokyo in March so I want to take photos of all the movie places. So how do I get to Gonpachi? Where is Nishi-Azabu? Is it easy to find? I don't know Japanese so should I just take a taxi cab? Is there a web site?
by John Rogers
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That NINJA Akasaka place is really unbelievable from the photos.
Damn it I didn't go there previously... would remember to go next time with some of my Japanese friends (I'm sure they will be impressed too!)
by Rouge
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Gonpachi website
2006/2/14 18:37
Hello Jhon-san, Itfs interesting for me to find your message to such an old post. I found an English site of the restaurant, Gonpachi as below; is not too far from Roppongi subway station to walk. Take Roppongi-dori street toward Shibuya direction. The restaurant is at the foot of the down slope on your right at the corner of Nishi-Azabu intersection. Ifd say it might be a 10 minutes walk or so. Good luck.
by Komori
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Kill Bill Restaurant
2006/3/21 09:56
I just got back from Tokyo, and I went to Gonpachi! It was incredible. No way it was the set-- it wasn't nearly big enough for that and there wasn't the big pool in the center. But, seems like it could have been an inspiration for the set. Very cool place to go.
by Frank
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At Gopanchi nishi-azubu, is Gopanchi Sushi and KushiSoba are in the same buidling?
and would b easy to get in for two person without reservations?
thnks guys
by tomemoohawk
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re:Gonapachi debate
2006/9/21 01:30
Thank you all of you who got into this quite extensive debate. I'm visting Japan next week and was desperate to find this restaurant for my birthday dinner, and it definately does exist as it was recommended by a friend. But thanks some very funny answers and I can now go for dinner there
by Lamuella
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Gonpachi and Torigin Japanese Restaurant
2006/10/5 13:56
Could anyone please give me a direction to Gonpachi, Nishi Azabu and Torigin, Ginza from Ikebukuro station.
Thank you
by Sandra
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Gonpachi vs House of Blue Leaves
2006/10/19 20:43
If you watch the "making of" piece on the DVD of the movie, it has extensive coverage & discussion of shooting the scene at Beijing Studios. But, Gonpachi is similar in design and a very fun place to eat. Having said that, I am now told that Gonpachi will claim that it was shot there. Maybe "some scenes"? Ikebukuro to Roppongi= From Ikebukuro, take Shonan-Shinjuku line to Ebisu. From Ebisu, take Hibiya line to Roppongi. About ten minutes' walk from there. Ask. Too complicated to explain here. Ikebukuro to Ginza= Take Marunouchi line direct from one to the other. Again, ask. There's police box at the main Ginza crossing.
by Scott H
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I've been there two times now. I was told that they had filmed there, and the first time I went I beleaved it. I was too excited to know better. But after going a second time, it is clearly too small for what they did. Even if the whole place was gutted. Your still missing those staircases on the sides. But it does look incredibly similar and is a fun place to go eat. The outside is impressive also.
by Gonpachi eater
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