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MSG in Japan 2013/3/14 23:00
How to locals refer to MSG? Do they say MSG/Aji No Moto/another name? I am sensitive to it (I can eat it, but I get terrible headaches), but I just want to find a way of asking whether something has MSG in it. How would I do that in Japanese?
by pb (guest)  

Re: MSG in Japan 2013/3/15 11:57
'Kagakutyoumiryo[化学調味料] wo tsukatte imasuka?'

'Hai[はい]=yes' MSG in it.
'Iie[いいえ]=no' no MSG in it.
by eswnwgr (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: MSG in Japan 2013/3/15 12:41
Most people will also understand what you're talking about if you call it aji no moto.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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