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Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/16 10:06
Hi, there was one time I got stuck inside a packed last train of the day.

I was trying to get off at my station, and found it difficult. No one was heeding my "sumimasen".

Anyway, what should I say when I want to get off a crowded train?

"jama shimasu"
"shitsurei shimasu"
"moshi moshi"

by albertsy2  

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/16 10:17
You should say "orimasu" in a loud voice - possibly multiple times - so that even the people at the door can hear it. A certain degree of pushing and shoving may be necessary in addition to it. Needless to say, if you alight at an unpopular station, try to remain close to the opening door as much as possible. Of course, this requires some advance knowledge.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/16 14:47
I often repeat saying "sumimasen" and pushing lightly someone to sideways.(or my way through the crowd?)
"sumimasen" and push, "sumimasen" and push.(^-^;)
Only crying, no one knows which way should they step aside in the crowd.
And "orimasu" as Uji said, I often hear it, it's good to announce loudly at first.
When you push, "sumimasen" or "shitsurei"(older men often use) is better.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/16 14:48
You yell out loud "Ori MAAS" or "OrosiTE" a few times as you push your way out.
If you miss the timing and mobs of people start coming in, you may need to give up embarrassed or cussing, lol.
by amazinga (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/16 15:07
Just push your way out like everyone else does? :)
by reprazent rate this post as useful

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/16 15:08
Lessons learned
Avoid the last train
Stand as close to the door as possible and refuse to budge

This is the only time you have to be assertive and throw decorum to the wind (a stink bomb aka f*rt may work ;-)
Use your arms as a battering ram and slice a path like the biblical Moses parting the Red Sea.
by epsilon8 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/19 08:00
"sumimasen orima-su" and put your hand in front of you like you see on japanese emergency exit signs, people will get out of your way..or you'll just have to push them off.

personally i always just wait til i'm the last person to get on the train at each station so i can be the first one off at my destination.
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/19 08:40
personally i always just wait til i'm the last person to get on the train at each station so i can be the first one off at my destination.

Obviously, this is only a good strategy if the doors open on the same side at your destination station. It results in the potential worst-case scenario, otherwise.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Stuck inside a crowded train! What do I say? 2013/3/20 00:47
Today I heard "Oroshite kudasai." It was pretty classy.
by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

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